So what is Tabata?



  • friggie
    friggie Posts: 140 Member
    I started doing Tabata training about a month ago! I love it! I have an app on my iPhone that has the timer! I do 4 different excersizes usually with the 1 minute break between each excersize! I like to do squats, crunches, chest fly's and lunges with arm curls! Its quite a workout when done properly!
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    If you are not dieing on the floor after round 8 of a true tababta you did not do it correctly. Many people think they are doing tabata but theya re not... the 20 sec on are @ 100% max effort and those 10sec off dont even feel like a break at all. Anyone telling you that they do more is full of ish!!! Olympic athletes collapse after a true tabata sessions. Anyone also claiming to doing this on a treadmill is also full of it IMO.