bacon, bacon, bacon

so whats the deal with bacon nutrional facts... are the calories listed for raw or cooked? what is cooked?? what is pan fried??? crispy/lifeless bacon?? i like my bacon the opposite of crispy...juicy and flimsy


  • ktlinn4
    ktlinn4 Posts: 38 Member
    Well, I can't answer your question completely...but I am an avid fan of cooking and eating bacon. I bake mine in the oven until it's perfectly crisp. I drain grease 2-3 times while baking. I can only figure that lowers the fat content of the actual piece of bacon. You are probably consuming a bit more calories & fat when you eat your bacon since it's what some people would call undercooked. You could always Google Bacon too....and weaving bacon. That's delicious, fun and, frankly, effin' awesome. :happy: