Starting Over!! No Break-December! Need motivation buddies!

I fell of the wagon big time when I started school for the first time in 3 years this september. Since Late Sept, I stopped eating clean, ate out a TON, and didn't go to the gym at ALL.

Well Yesterday I decided to change that! I threw out ALL my bad food, and filled my fridge with health food!! and I went back to my first Zumba class !!!

I'm BACK ON TRACK and would LOOOOOOVE some people in my friend's list to help keep me motivated, and I'll return the favor!

I'm doing something called "No-Break December" , where I make sure I get at LEAST 30min of exercise a day. (well exceeding that most of the time by attending 4 hour long Zumba classes a week).

Let's motivate eachother !!!



  • Magemisty
    Magemisty Posts: 87 Member

    Im feeling quite the same, i have been on and off dieting for a while losing and gaining. This time i know i will be able to keep it up. I am not over doing to too much like i used to before where i would go crazy with diet and exercise for a month or so and lose about a stone or stone and a half and then i would wear myself out and not be able to carry on eating healthily and exercising as much. THIS TIME I WILL DO IT AND SO WILL YOU.

    I think motivation and taking it slow are key. I allow my self some treats now whereas before i wouldnt eat anything 'bad' and then after about a month i would just have a big junk day. Moderation is key.

    We CAN do it :smile:
  • I DIG your attitude Magemisty! We're gonna rock this!