Does intermittent fasting work better?

The only takeaway I've gotten from looking into intermittent fasting is that it allows you to eat larger meals so you're more satiated, and it allows you to hit your caloric deficit with more ease due to what I just mentioned.

If someone ate literally exactly the same foods and the same amount of foods but ate all of it in a smaller window, compared to eating all of that spread throughout the day, are there really any benefits other than what the first sentence points out?

I've read some people saying it actually makes you lose fat faster when eating the same amount just in a smaller window but I'm not sure I believe it just yet.


  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I don't know if it's better, (however, I doubt it), but for me I'm just not hungry in the mornings, so don't eat usually until I've been up for about 4 hours. Once I do eat, I seem to be hungry every few hours, so delaying that until lunch time works for me.
  • supra_driven
    supra_driven Posts: 90 Member
    There is a ton of info on intermittent fasting. check out just to get you started. I have been doing it for about a month now. It came easy to me. I started with fasting for 23 hours and eating all my calories in a 1 hour window. I have progressed to doing 36 hr fasts regularly. I keep track of my weekly caloric intake because on a day by day basis it would get too confusing. Just make sure you are getting all your macros. Aside from the crazy weight loss I have experienced, there are so many other reasons to do Intermittent fasting. Detoxing is one of them. I also noticed that i can go longer and harder on my workouts when my body is in Ketosis mode. fasting is not for everyone though. You have to have discipline and make sure you are healthy to do so. Set your goals and expectations in a realistic level. Everyone will respond differently to the fasting. If you have time read the following article on fasting in general: Hope this helps you out.

    P.S. you have no idea how great it feels to not think about food constantly. It helps clear your mind for more important things in your life. Make sure you drink lots of water. I drink more than 1 gal a day.