how long to notice results?

I recently lost 6kg due to changing my eating habits so I'm much happier with my size and its really motivated me to finally work towards the body I've always wanted. I actually believe I could achieve it now. I'm now 54kg, 5'2.

My arms are a bit chubby and my tummy is chubby and I basically want a really tight, tort, toned and lean body for the summer.

From the new year, I'm planning on going to the gym 3-4 times a week. 45 minutes body pump class twice a week and a pilates class twice a week. And then I may or may not do other exercise on top of that, other classes etc.

I'm eating pretty clean at the moment, fresh homemade food, sweets and goodies are special treats and i rarely have them.

I also work 16hours a week stacking shelves in a supermarket so I'm always on my feet there.

I don't drive and because I live close to town, i only really ever walk anywhere.

Do you think it will be possible to achieve this "tight, tort, toned and lean body" for June time? When will I start seeing some physical results??


  • zak138
    zak138 Posts: 40 Member
    6 months is a good target and is quite achievable. I tend not to worry about how long it'll take, the time will pass anyway. However interim goals are good way to go! Enjoy the ride! :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's possible. Personally I say dump the body pump classes and go with a real strength building routine, and you'll probably have faster results. Body pump is too many reps to really be that effective from what I've been told about it.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    All sounds doable but why wait until the new year to start the gym? You should start now. If you wait, you might lose your motivation by then. You don't need a new year to start a new you.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    I agree with tigersword, do strength training with heavier weights and fewer repetitions. You don't need to lose weight, you need to build muscle in order to do your desired re-shaping. 100 reps with lighter weights (which if I recall right is what Bodypump does) won't be nearly as effective as 8-12 reps with heavier weights
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    yes. summer bodies are made in the winter. if you stick with it, you'll have great results by this june. even better results by next june.