subway steak and cheese canada...learn your macros

lol at everyone putting steak and cheese 6 inch as 20 grams of fat... its 10 grams of fat with cheese no sauces, its misleading for some people i have the nutritional guide in my hand and the steak meat is 4 grams of fat the cheese is around 3-4, bread probably adding the last bit... people confirming 18-22 grams of fat in the database , where are they coming up with this number... the sandwich is also listed as 10 grams of fat so im not jus coming up with the numbers based on separate parts of it

also calories , protein , carbs, everything was wrong, and i wouldent post about this if i didnt run into 4 the same with multiple confirmations, but at least theres other 1s right im also correcting the ones that i see wrong