Confused by serving size options


What does this mean? Does it mean that half a cup is 125 g? or is that the weight of 1 cup?

And if it's for half a cup, why is it repeated throughout the whole list? and not 125/250/etc..?!


  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    Haha, it means that whoever submitted that recipe didn't fully know what they were doing.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    Haha, it means that whoever submitted that recipe didn't fully know what they were doing.

    ^^This. Unfortunately, that seems to be very common on MFP. Better to put it in yourself or get it off a website if it's a restaurant since most have their menus online now.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Going by another spaghetti sauce brand's info (Ragu), 1/2 cup serving is about 125g. 1 cup would be 250g. Someone definitely wasn't paying attention when they filled out that listing!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,106 Member
    I wouldn't blame the person who created the entry entirely. The database automatically populates a full container option if the serving size isn't a full container, and if the person who created the entry copied what was on the label for serving size (presumably "1/2 cup (125 g)"), the database only understands the 1/2 as an amount, and multiplies it by the number of servings in the full container to create the full container option (e.., 2 1/2 cups), but it treats everything after 1/2 as the name of the unit (i.e., it thinks the unit is "cup (125 g)" and doesn't understand that 125 g is another way of stating the serving size. After realizing that that this is the way the database works, I now put the extra information in the name of the food, not in the serving size (e.g., the entry would be for "Brand X spaghetti sauce, 1/2 cup (=125 g)," and then for the serving size field I would just enter "1/2 cup."