How much is enough??

Hi everyone I started mfp properly 3 weeks ago and have so far lost 11 pounds still 90+ lbs to go but I was wondering how much exercise do you think is enough to get big losses at the beginning just for a bit of a jump start I know everyone is different but I would like to know what you all done/do? I currently do 30 minutes of different exercise videos on YouTube and try to do it daily 4-5 times a week but I keep thinking this isn't enough?


  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I was wondering how much exercise do you think is enough to get big losses at the beginning just for a bit of a jump start I know everyone is different but I would like to know what you all done/do?

    You will see many of us preach that weight loss is 80-90% in the kitchen, eating at a deficit and 10-20% exercise. I don't care how hard you are working out, if you are consuming too many calories you will not lose any weight. Years ago I was that example.

    Help us understand what kind of exercise videos you are using for 30 minutes. What do they have for strength training, cardio, HIIT, etc?