Getting Back on the Ankle

Welcome to December! I am a 36 year old mother of 2 who works full time. I was an avid MFP user until two things happened. First, I went on a weekend cattle drive and was unable to log on for a day. I lost my continuity and I was shocked at how depressing it was to lose my days active count. It seems pretty silly now, but I was pretty bummed. Second, I was playing softball in July and sprained my ankle really bad. I was 6 weeks into the Couch to 5K program and had to stop completely. It has been 4 months and I still have trouble doing certain activities. HOWEVER, I am done giving excuses. I loved how I felt on a regular fitness program and reading posts on MFP. I loved how I was slowly losing weight. Most of all, I loved how my clothing fit better and I was really seeing results. So I am back. I am intentionally re-committing to MFP and my fitness level at the beginning of December so that I can enjoy the holiday season without guilt and beat the instinct to just wait until the New Year. My plan is to track my calorie intake, exercise at least 5 days per week and focus on increasing overall activity level throughout the day. Due to my ankle I am going to include Spin Class, outdoor cycling, mountain biking, swimming and walking. I am looking for friends who use a similar model or know what it is like to come back from injury. My goal is to lose 14 lbs in the next 10 weeks.