Addicted to sugar..HELP!!



  • eryquem
    eryquem Posts: 66 Member
    Here's the deal. Sugar is not addictive. It can be an obsession. How to cure an obsession you ask? Find something different to be obsessed over. It works.
    It can be "addictive" the same receptors in the brain that light on brain scans light when SOME people eat sugar, so just poo pooing someone that has an issue is nonsense. the cravings are similar to drug cravings as sugar works on the dopamine receptors as well as serotonin.

    That makes absolutely no sense. All carbs have to be converted to glucose in order to reach the brain. So you'd get the exact same effect on dopamine receptors if you ate pasta, rice, bread, fruit and veggies, etc.

    Now if we're talking about a psychological addiction, that's a bit more complicated.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    I used to be a sugar fiend too. I found the inclusion of more protein in my diet very helpful to control the sugar cravings I was having (I was bfing too when I first started MFP), and more fat is also helpful with satiety.

    Personally the less I eat of the sweet stuff, the less I want it, but the other thing I've found is that not depriving myself of my favourites and just working them into my 'normal' daily intake is the easiest thing to do. I started following a flexiable dieting/If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) approach a few months ago, I still have treats and I have just clocked up 20kgs weight loss since May.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    My advice : CUT IT
    I am a total carbs and sugar (same thing) addict and when I don't eat grains and sugar and don't over do it with fruits, the urge to binge on it just.... disapear! Much easier for me to not have it then to have it trying to control the amount and then crave it like crazy afterward. It's hard (stopping it) for the first couple of days and then it gets so freeing. I've tried many many many time to ""go at it with moderation"", but it never worked for me. I wish........!
  • mwhite61451
    mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
    I'm addicted as well. I made the conscious decision 2 weeks ago, that I wanted to stop eating sugar, beacuase I knew it was detrimental to where I wanted to be. Typically, I would buy a package of cookies and they would be gone within 1/2 hour after I could open them. My rule for ice cream is "more." Chocolate is my my downfall, any kind, but particularly semi-sweet. Once I start, there is no stopping until it's gone.

    Fortunately, for me, I am in a recovery program for drinking, and as long as I stay in it, I've been sober. It takes work, but more importanly you have to want to change. We'll help you.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    One thing that helps me with my sweet tooth is to eat fruits... berries in particular. Works for me anyhow.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    I think if people are going to use science for an me your credentials.....because some of ya are making no sense what so ever!!!!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Awaits someone to say sugar is as addictive as cocaine while failing to mention it was a study done in rodents
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    Don't eat that stuff. Once you start eating it you just crave more. It's hard to do but just cut it out cold turkey and after a few days the cravings start to go away.

    Agreed it is super hard at first but in the end it is worth it
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Awaits someone to say sugar is as addictive as cocaine while failing to mention it was a study done in rodents

    You're too late! (See page 1.)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Here's the deal. Sugar is not addictive. It can be an obsession. How to cure an obsession you ask? Find something different to be obsessed over. It works.
    It can be "addictive" the same receptors in the brain that light on brain scans light when SOME people eat sugar, so just poo pooing someone that has an issue is nonsense. the cravings are similar to drug cravings as sugar works on the dopamine receptors as well as serotonin.

    It's not "poo-pooing" it at all. It's clarifying that the problem is in your mind and attitude. The cravings are *NOTHING* like drug cravings. Cocaine and heroin, even nicotine, are associated with physical withdrawal syndromes. The body is literally addicted to those substances. There is no literal addiction, and no associated withdrawal syndrome for sucrose because sucrose is converted into glucose in the body, and glucose is necessary for humans to survive.

    This is why I say it's more of an obsession, just like you can become obsessed with a video game, or some other habit. You have to get your head on straight. It's not easy, but the solution really is simple. (Just like losing weight is simple, but not easy)
  • I faced the same problem when I started out. I agree with everyone who has said to start with carbs. For me that means every morning, I have oats with a scoop of chocolate protein powder. If you make the oats up with water, but then mix in a scoop of protein powder, it tastes like coco pops but is very low in sugar and high in protein - but sweet tasting.

    The other thing nobody is mentioning is sugar substitutes. There is a lot of controversy about some of them - personally, I would avoid agave syrup AT ALL COSTS - but I have found stevia is an absolute awesome sugar substitute. If I really want a treat, a hot chocolate made with stevia-based drinking chocolate will do the trick, and a tablespoon is only about 5 calories.

    Stevia is sold by a few different companies who call the product different things. They're all good though.