Can't I just make up my own heavy lifting program???



  • PEIIslandGirl100
    PEIIslandGirl100 Posts: 62 Member
    Sounds good to me, but you'll eventually out-lift your current equipment.
    I know. And at that point I will just do more reps and/or sets.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Sounds good to me, but you'll eventually out-lift your current equipment.
    I know. And at that point I will just do more reps and/or sets.

    And you will no longer be doing strength-oriented training. Progressive overload is the main component of what makes strength training what it is. The weight ought to be difficult for you to move a small number of times. Somewhere on the order of 15-25 reps at your heavy working weight is pretty commonly found to be ideal (Layne Norton published a pretty well-supported article about it a while back that I can try to dig up). Once you grow past the point where you can bang out that number of reps easily and have room in the tank for much more, you're not really training for strength anymore.

    That's not to say that you won't be doing something useful, but you are asking about a "heavy lifting program."