Hey guys, fat % loss help!!!

age:20, 136ibs(61.5KG), 5'7(170CM), male.

I've decided to fulfil my long time dream of having the body i want.
I'm a dude, so that means pretty soon ill start my mass gaining training, BUT BEFORE THAT, I would like to loose even 1% fat.
There is one problem. I am at around 13% body fat, no more, which means, I'm already at the athletic body fat %, however, I am targeting towards 10% body fat, nothing less.
As we all know, it's pretty hard loosing fat when you're already at a normal athletic body fat level. your body will do anything to maintain those extra 3%(in my case).
I've started a 1000 cal diet, as well as between 1 to 2 hours of jogging per day, which will pretty much get me there in a month max.
for those of you to freak out by the 1000 cal diet, the daily intake of 2000-1800 cals per average male adult is full of *kitten*. an average western male should consume no more than 1800 cals (unless he is much taller than average, or very/somewhat physically active). this is why I've cut down my cal intake so much. plus i'm not that tall, and i'm eating wholesome foods)

Anyhow, any tips? things to make the journey more comfortable, or tips from ur experiences?
Cheers guys1