Skinny Fiber works!

I've read some posts with people questioning whether or not Skinny Fiber works. I first used Skinny Fiber in May 2011. My starting weight was 280 lbs and by the end of 2011 is was down to 240 lbs. I continued taking the product and lost another 20 lbs in 2012 for total weight loss of 60 lbs. It was a great tool for me because I had a problem with portion control. Skinny Fiber helped me control my portion sizes and kept my feeling full so I didn't overeat.


  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I have no idea what Skinny Fiber is but the South Beach Diet says drinking plain old fiber supplements like Metamucil before a meal can aid fullness and slow digestion for more stable blood sugar. It might save someone some money. Of course, a high fiber/low cal dinner salad or soup before a meal does the same thing and might suit some people more.
  • onehotma602
    onehotma602 Posts: 12 Member
    How did you take the pill? Did you take before each large meal? Did you take 1 or 2 pills?
  • WendyWeighsIn
    WendyWeighsIn Posts: 26 Member
    Yes. Honestly, I love my skinny fiber. What works for one, may not work for another. What I will say is this, it helps me with my cravings. Helps me feel full longer so I eatless. My mindless cravings are gone. There are no "quick fixes". If there was, we would all be skinny, right? You cannot take any product and still eat like crap! I have tried many other products before and for me, this works best! In the beginning I took 2 capsules twice a day. Now, I take 1 capsule 4 times per day. That seems to work best for me.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Anyone that has less than ten posts and tells you some scam, I mean miracle unicorn fart weight loss gimmick will solve all you weigh loss woes, then they are just a vendor selling their snake oil just like those old timey "step right up and this elixir will cure all that ails you!" snake oil salesmen.

    Don't be foolish and buy into their crap.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    yeah .... ummm.. no activity , the name "coach " does not imply salesperson....
    and just joined... trolls are getting sneaky.