Hi guy's and gals,

This is the first day of the rest of my life (hopefully!!) So for the past few years iv been a yoyo dieter/on off gym go-er. Nearly 8 months ago i had my baby girl and since then have been completely unmotivated to diet/gym until today! stepped on the scales for the first time since having my little girl and nearly fell off them :(

My stats as of today:
Female, 24, 5'7 & 184lbs

My goal weight - 140lbs

I used to be around 140-150lbs, then got with the love of my life and had a baby, i know it's not an excuse but it happens when you get comfortable, so I'm basically on here just wanting some extra support and advice :)

I have been going to the gym for the past week but only moderately, this week i intend to step it up significantly i do a combination of spin classes, weights and cardio 3 times a week. I find the hardest part for me is food... i enjoy food!! I would say my diet at the moment is fairly healthy i eat lots of veg and meat/fish, some fruit and try and stick to wholewheat/brown carbs but i do like naughty food too, chocolate is my sin as are crisps. I try not to eat junk food but there are times normally involving family where this can't be helped! Also i have a family to cook for which makes life a lot harder when trying to keep my meals healthy and there's normal! If anyone knows of any meal plans that would help me it would be much appreciated :)

So upon joining MFP it gave me a calorie intake of 1200 a day :-/ Is this what i should be aiming for in order to loose weight/tone up? It doesn't seem like a lot considering the amount of time i will be working out.

Well if you made it to the end of my post without snoozing then congratulations, sorry it was long i just figured it was best to get my background out there! plus it helps me come to terms with what a change i need to make :D

Thanks Jess


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Welcome to the forums :flowerforyou: ... I would read this thread to get started the right way off the bat:
  • FitWarrior7
    FitWarrior7 Posts: 332 Member
    Time eating junk involving family CAN be helped, simply say no thank you. If your healthy your family is healthy and everyone benefits as a result. Get your love of your life involved on MFP and take the journey together. Best of luck!
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    I am also 5'7 - if you were going to eat at 1200 you'd also want to eat back your exercise calories. Although I am pretty sure 1200 is going to feel terrible at that height and weight!
    Check out this calorie calculator:
  • jesstaylor21
    Thanks guys :)

    I know saying no to fast food is the best option but iv never had the motivation to say no before now that day has come i will be sure to use the word NO more frequently :D

    My better half is 5'9 and as slim as a rake so does not need to diet/track calories but is happy to eat healthy so hoping he will join in on some of my meals :D

    Thanks Rachel i did think that 1200 plus working out may be a bit low so should i be aiming for more of a 1500 a day maybe? Also should i just be focusing on getting calorie intake to 0 everyday or do i need to worry about the split downs between carbs/fats/protein?

    Thanks Jess x