I have had a lousy month, for one reason and another. It started with some careless recording on my daily meal lists, and then, on Thanksgiving and the Saturday and Sunday after, I went into full blown crave/binges.

With eating lots of refined stuff, sugar, and grain foods, I felt rotten. And my disposition went from my typical bad to much worse (poor husband!).

All this time I am wanting to get back on my own eating plan and feel better again.

I am finally on my 3rd day of eating right, and let me tell you, I feel MUCH better!

Now to the "lying" part. I am long past the point where I think anyone is fooled if I say I weigh 105 pounds, when I weigh 195. However much we may delude ourselves about issues of eating and weight, we are only really fooling ourselves when we enter into that kind of thinking.

SSSSSSOOOOOO- even though I hate the fact that I slipped up, i've gotten myself back together, and that makes me feel a real sense of accomplishment and forward progress. I thereby invite anyone who has been "evading the truth" about recording food and exercising to join me in recovering his or her equilibrium.

It feels GREAT!