Mind Games

beep Posts: 1,242 Member
Really, for those of us with weight loss problems, much of it is a game with our mind. If we can convince our minds that we do not need that cake, that it will make us sick. There are lots of tricks we can use.

Here's one: Before eathing anything unhealthy, fill up on something healthy. For instance, if chips are calling you in the afternoon... drink a large glass of water and eat a bunch of preprepared celery sticks, carrot sticks, red pepper slices, etc. Then wait a bit and see if you can forego that chip. If not, eat one or two, and then tell your mind you've just eaten the whole bag and you don't need anymore.

I'm sure everyone else can add their own tricks to the mix!


  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Really, for those of us with weight loss problems, much of it is a game with our mind. If we can convince our minds that we do not need that cake, that it will make us sick. There are lots of tricks we can use.

    Here's one: Before eathing anything unhealthy, fill up on something healthy. For instance, if chips are calling you in the afternoon... drink a large glass of water and eat a bunch of preprepared celery sticks, carrot sticks, red pepper slices, etc. Then wait a bit and see if you can forego that chip. If not, eat one or two, and then tell your mind you've just eaten the whole bag and you don't need anymore.

    I'm sure everyone else can add their own tricks to the mix!
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Of course, the best way is to not have chips in the house, but with a large family I cannot deprive everyone for my problems, so I have to find another way.
  • BlazinEmerald
    I feel the same , I can't cheat my son of ocassional snacks because its better if hubby and I don't have them. But , if I want chips ... I have chips ( the 100 cal snack packs) Now I don't have these everyday. If I did that would be defeting the purpose of being here. But I keep them in the house for when i need a "fix" My son loves Icecream , I buy hm his , and buy Skinny cow for myself. There are lots of way to get around eatting badly. And at the end of the day if your still wanting JUNK , ya just gotta remember your the one who needs the change , wants the change, and has to live with the choices you make.

    A trick I use for water is buying a large water bottle. I have one that hold 750 ml about 4-8oz cups, this way in my mind I only have to drink 2 not 8 !
  • rayneenie
    rayneenie Posts: 177 Member
    I find that telling myself I can not have anything is a BAD idea. That is the reason we have cheat days and that I bought a food scale. I meassure everything and have learned to do with a partial serving of the bad things. Say I want some chocolate, I lay out one serving of Hershey Kisses on the table and I eat one. My husband knows if there is a handfull of kisses in the center of the table then he is not to touch it cause it is my craving and I am trying to make it last at least all day if not the next 2-3 days. There are no potato chips in my house though as I am trying very hard to cut out salt. I love my ankles when they are not bloated and the only way to keep them looking good is to limit my sodium intake. When we have kids they are not going to learn potato chips and candy other than as an occasional treat. I want them to go for the good stuff. I have a cousin who's son refuses to eat any thing but hotdogs,chicken nuggets, american cheese, and waffels. I do not want my children to be like that. We are going to have fruits and veggies to snack on in our house and Healthy well balanced meals. In order for that to happen Mom and Dad have to learn to do it now so we can set a good example for our kids.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    lol seriously. I went the entire weekend without chips and ice cream and I somehow convinced myself to get up the energy to walk to the grocery store and purchase those two items. How horrible. lol And then I went to the gym for an hour. I wish I just went to the gym instead. Oh well. That is emotional eating for ya.
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    I agree! It's also like quitting smoking. Your mind THINKS you need a cigarette... you mind THINKS that the cigarette made you feel better once you've smoked it. It's all "mind games". You don't actually feel better- you feel worse- but your mind has you convinced it relieved your stress. (when actually smoking rasises your blood pressure etc and causes you MORE stress).. That's a lot like emotional eating. You THINK the food will comfort you and make you feel better- but instead it makes you feel worse- so you want more "instant" comfort your mind makes you think you get and you eat more- and so the cycle goes.
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    This is not exactly a mind game, but it is in a way a neat trick of sorts. This is a nutrition tip I read recently, that if when you eat you try to include these four things, you will be more satisfied: salty, bitter, sweet and sour. So for lunch today I made a salad out of: cucumber, one slice avocado, one chopped garlic clove, fresh dill, diced red bell pepper, one slice manchego cheese, albacore tuna and a teaspoon of seasoned rice vinegar (tad of sugar in it.) I do feel like I really had something good!!!