Study Fuel

Hey :) Anyone have any good ideas for snacks ? Studying for exams at the moment and picking at all the wrong foods!


  • kcb0308
    kcb0308 Posts: 73 Member
    I try to snack on carrots and some light ranch dressing, or maybe some peanuts. I do find that I drink a lot more water when I'm sitting down studying. Good luck on your finals.
  • greeneyes0809
    greeneyes0809 Posts: 422 Member
    I personally like peanut butter with pretty much anything. I'll typically steal some apples from the dining hall and have them with peanut butter. Also, trail mix is always good except the portion control on that always kills me. Popcorn is also one of my favorites, I'm obsessed with the Skinny Pop they sell at my Costco yummmm.
  • baldmitch
    baldmitch Posts: 90 Member
    One of my professors - she a psychologist - recommended:

    *A little protein
    *A little carbohydrate
    *A little caffeine

    So, a good snack may be green tea, hummus, and triscuits? Hot tea and turkey lunchables? Diet cola and peanuts? something along these lines.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Pizza and beer. That's the stuff of legends.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • oremus1
    oremus1 Posts: 100 Member

    these are awesome. enough sugar to give you a good hit to concentrate. all those nuts and seeds - very dense ans filling. vegand and gluten free. about 250 cal each though, but they fill you up. sometimes i have them for breakfast. oh and very very yummy!
  • recipe post
  • Arke post
  • tryingtoshed
    tryingtoshed Posts: 135 Member
    im in the same position as you!
    if I'm studying at home, i like to have frozen fruit. and if I'm particularly stressed, ill dip em in dark chocolate as a treat. The fact that they're frozen also helps me slow down. Apples with peanut butter, celery with hummus or peanut butter, and carrots with hummus or low fat dressing is good. I personally love celery because it has very little calories and gives me that "crunch" I'm looking for.

    at the library--keep in mind you don't want to bother other people who are studying with crunching sounds (yes, i know people who complain about that), so carrots and apples and celery are a bad idea.

    I'd go with:
    a small whole wheat bagel with low fat cream cheese (watch the cream cheese though) or peanut butter.
    PBJ sandwiches are good. Swiss cheese sandwiches are also good.
    Nuts (maybe some trail mix?).
    Tomato slices with salt and pepper.
    Hard boiled eggs

    I find that I need to have something to sip on that stops me from overeating/craving when I study. I always have a cup of black coffee, peppermint tea, green tea, or sparkling water with me.
  • Lorna1303
    Lorna1303 Posts: 1 Member
    Bananas! I've heard they are good for concentration but also, they help regulate your blood sugar levels and "contain tryptophan, a protein that the body converts into serotonin. Serotonin is a natural mood enhancer that has been proven to induce a feeling of well being." Might help ward off the study blues :-)

    Keep hydrated and I always liked dark chocolate for a little sugar fix. Too much sugar and you'll eventually crash! Tryingtoshed's post also looks good, I second the peanut butter!

    Don't overdo the caffeine, makes you jittery and your concentration goes out the window.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks so much for the suggestions, much appreciated. Definitely going to try some of these out :)
  • Almonds are great

    Peanut butter on apples

    Blueberries are really low in calories but nutritious

    Milkshakes: try a large banana with half a cup of oats (or a cereal high in fiber) and a cup of lite milk: keeps you full and is nutritious and delicious

    Celery: something to munch on and is low cal :)