proein powder on food stamps



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Is there any reason that kids may not drink protien powder?? Back in the day when I had foodstamps, I would get protien powder. It was a great way for the kids to have a shake before they ran out the door to school, or a shake they would bring with them. I would toss in some frozen fruit that I got in huge bags which would cut down the cost. You can also make protien bars and peanut butter protien balls that kids can grab and go. The **** they feed the kids in school is horrible.

    interesting question... the straight protein powders made into shakes... I think this wouldn't be suitable for kids, especially not as a meal replacement, as it only contains protein with next to no fat or carbs, so it wouldn't sustain a kid through school. However if you added it to stuff as you describe, e.g. frozen fruit smoothies or peanut butter bars then I really can't see any reason why not. Most schools allow packed lunch and I would have thought these would be a good addition to a packed lunch.

    you have to be careful though, some protein powders have a lot of added vitamins and some of them are in too high doses for kids to be taking regularly, as some e.g. iron, vitamin A are toxic in excess. Kids should take vitamin etc supplements that are designed for kids their age. But you can get protein powders that don't have all these added vitamins, and those ones don't say "not suitable for children" on them.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I full agree that protein powder should not be allowed on food stamps.

    Pretty sure this wasn't intended as a debate but rather an honest question to help someone who is trying to help themselves. Having said that, I agree with previous posts that True Protein from Meat etc. is best for the 'family'. On the other hand, that wasn't the question. I know that in some States, only CRAP FOOD is allowed using EBT. For example, if you would like a head of lettuce...OUT OF LUCK, not allowed. BUT if you want some good old fashioned processed cheese, no problem. So, I'm guessing it is all relative. Good luck to your friend, no matter what....I wish him/her the best.

    I am pretty sure you are wrong. :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I full agree that protein powder should not be allowed on food stamps.

    Pretty sure this wasn't intended as a debate but rather an honest question to help someone who is trying to help themselves. Having said that, I agree with previous posts that True Protein from Meat etc. is best for the 'family'. On the other hand, that wasn't the question. I know that in some States, only CRAP FOOD is allowed using EBT. For example, if you would like a head of lettuce...OUT OF LUCK, not allowed. BUT if you want some good old fashioned processed cheese, no problem. So, I'm guessing it is all relative. Good luck to your friend, no matter what....I wish him/her the best.

    Wrong. I was on food stamps for about a year while I was unemployed due to being over or under qualified for every d*mn job, and my cart was full of fresh fruits and veggies, and good, healthy food. Not crap.

    As for the OP's question, yes, I also bought protein powder with my EBT if I had the money left over, because it was an inexpensive way to get extra protein into my diet.