help finding motivational tips

hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
Ok, so this is not my first time on MFP.. I used it almost two years ago after I had my third child, I lost weight well as I was breastfeeding and my gallbladder failed so I ate zero fat until removal, after my gallbladder was removed the weight crept back up.
Background info.

150 my best and most healthy weight, I was 17 and pregnant, before delviery weighed 167 delivered and weighed 146, yes the day I left the hospital I was like oh that was easy.. DUMB DUMB DUMBest thing I ever said to myself.

19 years old in an unhealthy relationship with my sons father and pregnant with our second child 253! A 100+ pounds bigger than I was during my last pregnancy and high school. I left him at 8 month pregnant, we have become friends again we realized we were not good partners just friends and co-parents... before delivery I weighted 260 biggest weight ever and I will NEVER go back, after delivery I weighed 241, I have big babies so that helps with the quick drop.

at my babies two month appointment (I am in a new and happy relationship by the way) I weigh myself for giggles after we walk out of the patient room from her shots and I weighed 183! yes, I was working out, breastfeeding, and happy in my life (part of it could have been to spark a little jealosy in my ex ;) ) but in two months time I dropped a signifcant amount of weight all by eating very well, working out every day and taking time for myself!

fast forward about four years and my husband (same man I met while pregnant with my second child) no longer supports my weight loss goals too much, he (here come the excuses, but at the time I fell prey to them) cooked fatty foods (mind you he is a gorgeous slamming body never has to work for it kind of guy, rock solid muscles and the worlds worst eating habbits) I begain indulging in them eating all my past favorite foods that for almost three years I had not even craved anymore, we had a few rough patches because he has a jealousy issue (this is why he didnt support my weight loss/maintaince efforts) he was always afraid I was getting hit on at the gym, so my weight slowly but surely crept up again, so by time I got pregnant with my third (our first) I weighed 208, at delivery I weighed 233, and this is where my gallbladder went to hell-in-a-handbasket so I dropped quick we are talking I was at 196 by time my baby was three weeks old! yes the weight was coming off easy again, no workouts. nothing!!! just breastfeeding and a zero fat diet! So I joined MFP to keep up the loss and get my self back! guess what? its backkkk!!!! I am back to 235 after just delivering my fourth our second child and final child and I am not going to sit here one more day letting this child rearing body take me down with it for one more second! I have been working out daily and eating within my goals, but I am terrified that I will slip back into my old ways!

I do not want to have to write this story again, I want to write a new story about how I finally WON!! how do I keep motivated? how do you all keep motivated.

according to my doctor I should weigh about 160 for my body structure I am tall 5'8" and I am built with a wider frame, considering my BMI verses my actual body fat percentage he said that I am not as "obese" as the chart might say but I certainly need to get my weigth down.

So 160 is my overall goal, I will adjust based on my appearance and my overall health, I weighed 150 in high school but it wasnt my best look either, I mean I was skinny but not toned and tight I was just "there" I would rather by 160 same size jeans as my 150 days but holding up well lol if you know what I mean, so weights are now a part of my life ...

so I appoligize for the long rant, but i need help, I need to know what I can do to make sure this time it sticks, what are some good motivational ideas?

help please, I do not ever want to go back! I have 4 kids, a bachelors degree and a wonderful husband all of which I want to be around for


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member

    help please, I do not ever want to go back! I have 4 kids, a bachelors degree and a wonderful husband all of which I want to be around for
    ^That right there is your motivation. Unfortunately, motivation isn't enough to get the job done. You need to be committed. Honestly? I don't always feel "motivated" (and don't let the ticker fool you - I've been maintaining for a year and still have to work just as hard now as I did when I was losing, if not harder). I often feel like I can't be bothered weighing/measuring my food, or counting calories. If it's cold and rainy outside, I often find it hard to push myself out of the door for a run. It's winter now, and I have depression, and it's really hard making myself exercise. BUT it's something that's important to me. Being a healthy weight is important enough to put the effort in. Avoiding the ill health that runs in my family is important. Being strong, fit and healthy is important. Being mentally healthy is important (cardio being a big part of managing my depression.) I made a choice that I wanted all these things, along with being able to fit into the clothes I like and feel good when I look in the mirror. It doesn't make the whole weight loss/maintenance thing easy, but it makes it worth it.

    I'm sure there were times when working towards your degree wasn't easy. Most married people would say that marriage isn't always easy, and I'm sure bringing up children isn't always easy. You make a choice that it's worth it though, so you do what needs to be done. It's the same thing here.

    Obviously, one big mistake that people make is to take their eye off the ball. They lose a bit of weight, feel good, and stop putting the effort in. It doesn't work that way though. You can't give up. That's why people bang on about "lifestyle changes" because you really need to create a lifestyle that supports you maintaining a healthy weight. Not just do x, y and z for x amount of time to lose the weight and then go back to "normal".

    The other big mistake people make is making crazy changes they can't stick to, like cutting out all the foods they like, drastically cutting calories, doing hours and hours of exercise they hate etc. So, try to keep it simple. Aim to lose maybe 1 lb a week to begin with. Keep eating all the foods you like, and fit them into your calorie goal. Do exercise you enjoy. Make small changes that become habits, that become part of your life, so you don't have to give up when the going gets tough, because it's just how you live now. And if/when you "slip up", eat a bit more than you intended, gain a few pounds... just don't let giving up be an option any more. Just keep moving forward.