Over 3000 calories 1 day, next day under 500

I've been here for 6 months on MFP and have had great success, had no troubles losing 80 pounds (currently 160 lb, male 19yo, 5'11) and I have been trying to get into maintenance mode and it is extremely difficult! My maintenance is about 2400 calories a day, I've tried so hard to get up there but this is my situation….

One day I will be like OK i will eat 2400 calories, but end up going overboard and having eaten over 3000 or more…. then next day I am not even close to being hungry and eat very little… this has happened for over 2 weeks now…. My weight has been fluctuating from 160 to 170.. I know it's mostly water and the amount of carbs i've been eating but its so frustrating….. I've calculated my calories from last week and I was around -3500…. but this whole eating a lot one day and eating very little the next is driving me crazy!

Here's the calories from last week
Monday: Eating about 2366 calories
Tuesday: Eating about 72 calories (net- after gym)
Wednesday: Eating about 2550
Thursday: Eating about -131 calories (net - after the gym)
Friday: Eating about 5000 calories
Saturday: Eating about -566 calories (net- after gym)
Sunday: Eating about 4000 calories….

So if I calculated this from my TDEE I would have lost a pound… I don't really want that but I don't want to gain weight either or messing up my body…

Any advice?


  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Why not plan out your meals the day before that way you eat same amount each day?
  • Crumpet_Girl
    Crumpet_Girl Posts: 276 Member
    Have you considered IF? Might work for you.
  • suprzonic
    suprzonic Posts: 68 Member
    Have you considered IF? Might work for you.

    This. Or 5:2

    Congratulations on your loss. I hope to do as well next year. some free info at http://thebailorgroup.com/ has helped me - might give you some answers too

    Best of luck!