Help! I'm sick of failing

Last year I got on a weight loss kick and lost 125 pounds. I became vegan, exercised an hour and a half a day, counted all my calories, and stayed motivated. Recently however I've really fallen off the wagon. It's too cold to run and I've started binge eating crazy amounts of sugar. It's been about 2 months and I exercise every once and a while, it's caused me to gain 15 pounds. I keep trying to restart, but I keep failing at it. I need help and motivation,


  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    Yep, you don't want to gain that back. I lost 40 lbs 2 years ago and last yr put back on 15. I knew I could easily keep going and it scared me.

    It is a lot of work doing all this logging but it works. If I get hungry now I try to up the protein to fill me up. Try to figure out what is going on if it is emotional and problem solve. I think it is so easy to get distracted and not take care of ourselves. That is what I told myself, I have to take care of myself and not overeat.

    Over these winter months is when I gained my weight so I am being extra cautious especially with all the holiday foods. I know I will have the consequences after the holidays. A lady bought by a cake yesterday, a whole cake. Froze that sucker after taking 1 piece. I cant handle all the temptation. Yep, I will take care of myself. I cant go buy new clothes again.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    1. adjust your caloric deficit for your current sedentary lifestyle.

    2. log your intake, even if you go over. you need to see what you are eating so you can change it.

    3. stick to your deficit

    motivation? dig out a picture of yourself before you lost 125lb, and keep in mind that guy was going to die a good 20 years earlier than the healthy person you are today. you don't want to be that guy.
  • Congrats on losing such a large amount of weight I commend you! Now that you have lost alot and have ambitions to lose more, getting over that hump is tough. Finding what motivates you is important. Setting sound goals (weight loss aside) should be the first. Now that you have lost soo much, finding other routes seems to be most practical at this point. Try exercising for you health and treating exercise as a daily multivitamin. Also, try increasing your physical activity by walking more and sitting less.
    I hope this helps!
    If you would like more information, refer to this ebook on exercise and goal setting:
  • oc1timoco
    oc1timoco Posts: 272 Member
    1. adjust your caloric intake to sedentary

    2. log your intake, even if you go over. you need to see what you are eating so you can change it.

    3. stick to your deficit

    motivation? dig out a picture of yourself before you lost 125lb, and keep in mind that guy was going to die a good 20 years earlier than the healthy person you are today. you don't want to be that guy.

    I fell off the wagon a bit ago and kind of went into panic mode which did not help. I looked back in my weight loss history and pulled up the graph where I was most successful and mimicked that month. Everyone trips up a little now and then..... I'm not trying to make light of your situation. Think rationally with intellect and common sense and you will get it back in gear
  • Saribear200
    Saribear200 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you right now, except my binge eating has gone on for almost a year. A year! Although, my weight gain was 30 lbs, I never stopped working out I just became a horrible binge eater. I know I needed to gain about 51 of those pounds, but finding the strength to get back on track and start losing again is so hard.
    We can do this!
  • What's your BMI?
    I feel like you are really skinny now...I'm just sayn..You may not need those 15lbs to be gone.