Getting back into... or trying to.

So here I am again posting about how I want to lose weight ya da ya da... Ya'll know how it goes. I've done it before, I know I am capable of soing it again, it's just so hard staying motivated.
When I was sophmore/junion in highschool I started using MFP and lost 30 pounds. I probably only needed to lose about 10 of those pounds though. At 5'4 I went down to 96 pounds. I was constantly cold, my bones stuck out so sharply I got bruises because I would always bump into things and there wasn't anything but bone to hit, people thought I was anorexic. Truthfully, I was probably at least borderline. I was scared to eat anything for fear of getting fat. Even at 96 pounds I still saw any pinch of fat as me being fat.
So now after going through a year of binge eating... Horrible horrible binge eating, I am back up to 135. It's more proportioned as I never stopped working out, but I'm really aiming to lost at least 10 pounds.
Has anyone else dealt with these sorts of eating issues as I have? How did you overcome the binging? How do you get back into the swing of eating healthy, eating "bad" foods in moderation and not completely going off the wagon?