Have health issues but still exercising

I have a peripheral artery disease (it's a condition where your calf muscle hurts after walking for just few minutes, or in my case 2 mins due to a blocked artery). I'm dedicated to lose weight but sometimes I get discouraged due to this condition. I can walk for few minutes but after that my calf will start hurting. I have to rest for at least 3-5 minutes till I can continue walking again. I spend more time resting than walking, and I feel like it's not doing any justice to my actual activity.

Does anybody here have the same condition/ or any other type of health conditions but still manage to lose weight? If so, how do you handle it?

Thank you!


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Can you swim? Or perhaps bike?

    Even if you can't, you will lose weight once you get your diet in check. Losing weight is more about calories than exercise.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    Swimming or water activities would probably be good for you. I do an aquafit class on mondays that has a lot of people with injuries or conditions. It was recommended to me by my physiotherapist for my back, wrist and shoulder problems. I now do it because I think it's fun, but yeah... a lot of people in my class have issues. There are also a lot of classes that help with things like that too in water, maybe like warm water activities? I would check out your community parks and rec book and look up things like that, its a lot lower impact but it can help you a lot!