

  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    Fish Oil Omega 3- recommended by my dr...good for my cholesterol and my heart health
    Cholestoff- recommended by my doctor as I am allergic to the prescription cholesterol medications
    Melatonine- for sleep
    B12- Healthy nervous system
    Ginkgo Biloba- supports memory and mental focus because I am a scatter brain in my old age.
    D3- recommended by my doctor as I have seriously low levels of D in my body
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    Fish Oil
    Vitamin K
    Vitamin D
    ZMA (sleep better with it)

    Diet takes care of the rest.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I take 8:
    Prenatal vitamin ~ not prego yet but will be trying this summer to conceive
    Yaz birth control ~ to fix my hormones and prevent pregnancy (going off in 2 months)
    Cinnamon ~ I'm prediabetic, it regulates sugar
    alpha lipoic acid ~ antioxidant that helps my PCOS
    Total Probiotic ~ to keep me regular
    Baby Aspin ~ I don't have heart issues, but they run in family so its a precaution
    CoQ10 ~ also helps cardiovascular heath
    Krill Oil ~ heart health
  • im2cute4u5150
    I`d say show your doctor your food records and ask about different options
  • Cukkie13
    Cukkie13 Posts: 22
    Recommendation for women over 35: (per Dr. Oz)

    -Multi vitamin. Kirkland brand is very good and it doesn't have excessive amount above RDA. I split it in half and take one in the morning and evening. Your body will better absorb it that way.

    - Fish Oil. 1,000mg with at least 600 mg of it from DHA

    -Calcium with magnesium. Should be 600 mg calcium with 400 mg magnesium. Make sure you take this at least 1 hour after your multi vitamin so that the magnesium is better absorbed.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I don't take any, although I'm planning to return to the UK and when I do I'll probably take vitamin D, at least in the winter, because of the lack of sunlight.