Beach Body Challenge April 21 -

Im still in.

Start weight loss @ 268 Jan 08
Joined MFP @262 Feb 08
Last Week 247 & 21% body fat
Today 246 & 21 % body fat.
Total loss to date 22lbs

I have increased my Arm, leg, neck and shoulder size and lost another 1/4" off my waist.

Been a pretty good week no cardio just a short warm up followed by heavy lifting mon to fri.

Same this week and probably next. i really need to increase my lean body mass by a few more Lbs before i go back into my cardio routine.



  • chiefiron
    chiefiron Posts: 305 Member
    Im still in.

    Start weight loss @ 268 Jan 08
    Joined MFP @262 Feb 08
    Last Week 247 & 21% body fat
    Today 246 & 21 % body fat.
    Total loss to date 22lbs

    I have increased my Arm, leg, neck and shoulder size and lost another 1/4" off my waist.

    Been a pretty good week no cardio just a short warm up followed by heavy lifting mon to fri.

    Same this week and probably next. i really need to increase my lean body mass by a few more Lbs before i go back into my cardio routine.

  • jpwarner
    jpwarner Posts: 194 Member
    doing great, keep up the good work