Does the couch to 5K and 30 Day Shred really work?

Options I know that nutrition is key to weight loss. I'm getting on board with that soon...but, I have been doing the 30 Day Shred for 4 days now, and I want to start the couch to 5K process when I hit the gym I want to some weight lifting in order to tone areas. Now, do those workouts really work? I've seen progress on people, and not to be mean, they were a bit bigger than me. Do those work for toning for those who don't have a lot to lose? I'm seeing this as in, just like the show Biggest Loser, if you are 300 pounds you can essentially lose 15 pounds in a week, whereas, someone who is 170 and trying to lose like 30, might only lose 3 or 4 or less...I'm just trying to find out some information, so I can get the best results. I have about 28 pounds I want to lose for sure. So, any advice would be amazing! Thank you so much!



  • atosches
    I did Ripped in 30 a few months ago. I am not overweight but was looking to tone after having children. I was skeptical but I really saw a different after 2-3 weeks. I got 30 Day Shred after that to change things up. I found that Ripped in 30 was a little more challenging, especially week 4 (totally painful in a good way). I find that both 30 DS and RI30 give you a lot of bang for your buck. I did see a difference and it is only 30 minutes total with warm up and cool down. I add a mile run afterwards and I feel great. I think you will definitely see results if you stick to it!
  • MGreensides
    MGreensides Posts: 173 Member
    Yes they both work, I'm proof. I'm training for a half marathon now.
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    Thank you! I've just been skeptical. Like I said, I've seen those who post results...but I still feel skeptical! Lol:) I'm hoping to keep going with it...Day 4 is easier, but the repetition is hard to get into. But I understand why you need the repetition. I just wanted some good news! Thanks!
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    Yes they both work, I'm proof. I'm training for a half marathon now.

    Wonderful! That makes me feel soooooo much better!!!!!!
  • ljgcornwall
    Hi Jane,

    I'm on Day 17 of the 30 Day Shred (But I have been taking rest days in between workouts, so normally 4-5 shreds per week).

    I was 11st 3 on 15th November 2013. I am now 10st 9. I have made a huge adjustment in my daily routine in that I used to eat dinner REALLY late at night, and always skipped breakfast. I now make sure to eat breakfast, and have dinner in the evening no later than 7.30pm (used to be between 9.30pm-11.30pm!!).

    I'm basically just eating well, lots of fruit and veg, and going easy on carbs. I'm not following any diet fads or specific eating plans.

    This photo is me on Day One, Day Nine, and then Day Fifteen. I think it's working!! :-)

    L xx

  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I can't speak about 30 Day Shred, but I can about C25K.

    If your goal is to be able to run 30 minutes, then yes C25K will work if you trust the program. But C25K isn't a weight/fat loss program. It is a running program. Weight loss simply comes down to calories in calories out, and you can achieve that by doing C25K or not.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Weight loss is 90% diet. Both programs will help you become more fit, probably make you look better and C25K will teach you to run. They won't make you thin unless you put the effort into eating properly to go along with the workout. If your goal is fitness then they'll definitely work.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    Hi Jane,

    I'm on Day 17 of the 30 Day Shred (But I have been taking rest days in between workouts, so normally 4-5 shreds per week).

    I was 11st 3 on 15th November 2013. I am now 10st 9. I have made a huge adjustment in my daily routine in that I used to eat dinner REALLY late at night, and always skipped breakfast. I now make sure to eat breakfast, and have dinner in the evening no later than 7.30pm (used to be between 9.30pm-11.30pm!!).

    I'm basically just eating well, lots of fruit and veg, and going easy on carbs. I'm not following any diet fads or specific eating plans.

    This photo is me on Day One, Day Nine, and then Day Fifteen. I think it's working!! :-)

    L xx


    Amazing results!!!.. I am at day 26 now but havent seen so much difference.. but certainly there is a god amount f toning up.. and m soo happy.. I am at a healthy weight now.. but kinda flabby..
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    Hi Jane,

    I'm on Day 17 of the 30 Day Shred (But I have been taking rest days in between workouts, so normally 4-5 shreds per week).

    I was 11st 3 on 15th November 2013. I am now 10st 9. I have made a huge adjustment in my daily routine in that I used to eat dinner REALLY late at night, and always skipped breakfast. I now make sure to eat breakfast, and have dinner in the evening no later than 7.30pm (used to be between 9.30pm-11.30pm!!).

    I'm basically just eating well, lots of fruit and veg, and going easy on carbs. I'm not following any diet fads or specific eating plans.

    This photo is me on Day One, Day Nine, and then Day Fifteen. I think it's working!! :-)

    L xx


    Wow! Impressive results! You guys are really helping me to get inspired here and to have faith in it. I don't want fad diets either, so this helpful! THANK YOU!
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    I can't speak about 30 Day Shred, but I can about C25K.

    If your goal is to be able to run 30 minutes, then yes C25K will work if you trust the program. But C25K isn't a weight/fat loss program. It is a running program. Weight loss simply comes down to calories in calories out, and you can achieve that by doing C25K or not.

    Thanks! I want to do get fit...tone...and know that running is good for that. I know that nutrition is key....but, without fad diets...what helps?
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    Weight loss is 90% diet. Both programs will help you become more fit, probably make you look better and C25K will teach you to run. They won't make you thin unless you put the effort into eating properly to go along with the workout. If your goal is fitness then they'll definitely work.

    So how do you not get bored with eating just veggies and low calorie foods? I suck at cooking...but willing to try, and find that eating healthy, is sooooo expensive! Any hints?
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Like ANY OTHER work out programs they work as much as you do. If you go all out to the point of sheer exhaustion, then you will have great results. On the other hand if you half-*kitten* it, you will get half-*kitten* results.
  • ljgcornwall
    Hi Jane,

    I'm on Day 17 of the 30 Day Shred (But I have been taking rest days in between workouts, so normally 4-5 shreds per week).

    I was 11st 3 on 15th November 2013. I am now 10st 9. I have made a huge adjustment in my daily routine in that I used to eat dinner REALLY late at night, and always skipped breakfast. I now make sure to eat breakfast, and have dinner in the evening no later than 7.30pm (used to be between 9.30pm-11.30pm!!).

    I'm basically just eating well, lots of fruit and veg, and going easy on carbs. I'm not following any diet fads or specific eating plans.

    This photo is me on Day One, Day Nine, and then Day Fifteen. I think it's working!! :-)

    L xx


    Amazing results!!!.. I am at day 26 now but havent seen so much difference.. but certainly there is a god amount f toning up.. and m soo happy.. I am at a healthy weight now.. but kinda flabby..

    Thank you! I've been super chuffed with the results. It's the first time I've ever started a health kick and stuck to it - and I think it's because I've seen a tangible change happen in front of my eyes.

    I've found that my level of fitness has increased significantly since I started. What do you plan to do after the shred? Not long to go now!! :-) x
  • ljgcornwall
    Hi Jane,

    I'm on Day 17 of the 30 Day Shred (But I have been taking rest days in between workouts, so normally 4-5 shreds per week).

    I was 11st 3 on 15th November 2013. I am now 10st 9. I have made a huge adjustment in my daily routine in that I used to eat dinner REALLY late at night, and always skipped breakfast. I now make sure to eat breakfast, and have dinner in the evening no later than 7.30pm (used to be between 9.30pm-11.30pm!!).

    I'm basically just eating well, lots of fruit and veg, and going easy on carbs. I'm not following any diet fads or specific eating plans.

    This photo is me on Day One, Day Nine, and then Day Fifteen. I think it's working!! :-)

    L xx


    Wow! Impressive results! You guys are really helping me to get inspired here and to have faith in it. I don't want fad diets either, so this helpful! THANK YOU!

    I can confirm for me that the 30 Day Shred is the only thing I've ever really stuck to, and I'm seeing really good (and fast!) results. Do you think your diet could be improved to help things along? x
  • cookergirl
    cookergirl Posts: 6 Member
    Couch to 5k builds your endurance to run a 5k. So, if you're not a runner this is a great way to start. Worked for me!!!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Does exercise work? Yes. Exercise works. C25K and 30DS are exercise. Although depending on your specific goals there may be better ways of going about it.