New to this :))

Hi folks, I am really hoping this works for me. I have tried so many different ways to lose weight and although I am successful at first, the motivation soon disappears and I end up heavier than ever. If anyone has any ideas to make me stick at it, please please can you share them.
Yours hoping, Sheila


  • I'm here to help momma! :) We can kick *kitten* together :)
  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    calorie deficit + weight training. Not that hard when you think about it.

    Many people lose weight by starving themselves. Which is a really bad idea, cuz most of the food consumed is stored as fat for fuel, and once you start eating more you gain more.

    The best way to lose weight is to gain muscle over fat, and have adequate diet (10-20% deficit).
  • kcb0308
    kcb0308 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey Sheila,
    Welcome to the MFP family. One's appearance and weight can be both a detriment and a positive in their life. I have mostly had my weight increasing for the last 10 years, although with diets I have lost a few pounds but always put them right back on.

    I'm finding this group to be very motivational and a great resource for knowledge.

    Follow the MFP plan and make sure you get a food scale and measure/weigh all your food intake as this is the first and foremost key to losing weight.
  • You're in the right spot! The MFP community is great and seeing everybody's motivation is a huge motivation to get going. Feel free to add me!
  • amy_young_doingit
    amy_young_doingit Posts: 11 Member
    Agreed ! MFP has been the best tool for me. I'd love to help encourage you. :)
  • Yay we can do this! :)