So tired but need to workout

I've had this overwhelming tired feeling the past two days. Last time I went to the gym was Monday :grumble:

Can you share some motivations tips/tricks? I'm headed to the gym alone tonight and I'm trying to gear myself up for legs- which I normally LOVE since they make me feel strong.

What do you do to drag your *kitten* to the gym? I know it will make me feel better and I'm trying to rationalize that I NEED to get there and it will be great.....but, just UGHHH!

Yes, I realize I'm being a whiny punk and I hate it :frown: . Its not normal for me! HELPPPPP, Please??


  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I don't really have any great tips... I've been sick for a few days so pushed my workouts back but needed it so I worked out yesterday anyway. Sometimes it helps to listen to some really good motivating music to get me in the mood. Good luck!
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Just think of the reason why you go. Think of your goals, and then turn on beast mode and get your *kitten* to the gym!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    When I'm flat like that I challenge myself to walking or yoga (not so keen on punishing my body, I want this exercising thing to be a forever thing). If I'm in good shape but just being lazy I think about how good the endorphins feel, and put on running shoes, seriously, they make a difference.
  • kcb0308
    kcb0308 Posts: 73 Member
    Some days are like that, the trick is to be consistent no matter your emotions. Because after your workout, you'll be glad you did it. Think of your long term plans and keep focused on those. It's the daily choices we make that will allow us to be successful or not.
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I usually just stand up and start stretching.. then maybe start some squats or planks... once you get your heart pumping and the blood flowing you may just build the desire to contine working out :) Seems to work for me :)
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    Some days are like that, the trick is to be consistent no matter your emotions. Because after your workout, you'll be glad you did it. Think of your long term plans and keep focused on those. It's the daily choices we make that will allow us to be successful or not.

    YES, Consistent no matter my emotions! PERFECTLY said! Thank you for that!
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    When I'm flat like that I challenge myself to walking or yoga (not so keen on punishing my body, I want this exercising thing to be a forever thing). If I'm in good shape but just being lazy I think about how good the endorphins feel, and put on running shoes, seriously, they make a difference.

    Thank you, I'm trying not to sit down too much and let the tired take over ;)
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    Just think of the reason why you go. Think of your goals, and then turn on beast mode and get your *kitten* to the gym!

    Wanna come with me?? I need someone like you in my life :wink:
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    I've had this overwhelming tired feeling the past two days. Last time I went to the gym was Monday :grumble:

    Can you share some motivations tips/tricks? I'm headed to the gym alone tonight and I'm trying to gear myself up for legs- which I normally LOVE since they make me feel strong.

    What do you do to drag your *kitten* to the gym? I know it will make me feel better and I'm trying to rationalize that I NEED to get there and it will be great.....but, just UGHHH!

    Yes, I realize I'm being a whiny punk and I hate it :frown: . Its not normal for me! HELPPPPP, Please??

    Listen Pitbullgirl, I am not trying to be deep, but to push past the fatigue and anything else that may try to stand in your way is going to take a reason WHY. Like PreciousKitten said, "think of the reason WHY you go" You have to get to the place that what motivates you and drives you to reach your goals is more compelling than anything or anyone else. We all get in a rut. I have been the last couple of days too. But I remember the reasons WHY I chose this path in the first place. In my mind, I have decided that no matter who or what, I am going to STAY on the grind. No days off! No vacations! No birthdays! No excuses! Since this isn't normal for you, consider it a small hiccup in the process. But push past it because you already KNOW you're gonna feel like a CHAMPION once you rise to the occasion. Adopt the mindset that there is no longer room for excuses! Nothing can stand in your way! Now get up and and SEIZE THE DAY!!!
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    I get this a lot. I'm pretty sure I have sleep apnea, but to your actual question: I usually will get a red bull and play the best hype-up music I know. If you're someone who can get motivated by music, get some pumping. Play it while you get dressed and on your way to the gym, and definitely while working out. I've found the right music can help get my adrenaline going every time.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Some days are like that, the trick is to be consistent no matter your emotions. Because after your workout, you'll be glad you did it. Think of your long term plans and keep focused on those. It's the daily choices we make that will allow us to be successful or not.


    You gotta make it a robot thing.

    LIke Monday is Dead lift day- so on monday I go do deadlifts.

    Period- that's just what Jo does. It's how Jo functions.

    Sure sometimes it gets wonky and I have 'off days'... and any more than 3 days and I fall out of my groove- but you just have to go regardless of if you are in a bad mood or tired- you just go... because it's what you do.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I had this feeling on Tuesday. I put my gym clothes on, sat on the couch for a while being grumpy and then I just got in the car. The whole drive there I was just dreading it! I sat in the parking lot for a while even. Then I finally just went in and got it over with and I felt great! I guess some days are just like that. It'll happen again, you just have to push through it. Good luck!
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    I get up early in the morning and get it done. This way I have no excuse later on at night that I am tired or have something to do. Good Luck!
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    Thank you all so much for the responses.

    Goign to push past this and get my workout on tonight, even if I have to drag my *kitten* there!
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    I had this feeling on Tuesday. I put my gym clothes on, sat on the couch for a while being grumpy and then I just got in the car. The whole drive there I was just dreading it! I sat in the parking lot for a while even. Then I finally just went in and got it over with and I felt great! I guess some days are just like that. It'll happen again, you just have to push through it. Good luck!

    This was me Monday, might be me again tonight, haha
  • abaerrr
    While I agree with all the motivational advice given here, I admit there are times when I'm so tired that I really couldn't care less about it XD So I trick myself into going to the gym lol. What?! Yes, it's rather silly, I completely agree, but it normally works!

    I can go to a gym walking or to another driving (same chain, different facilities, before someone asks!) . If I go walking, then I say to myself "I'll just take a quick walk there and if I'm in the mood then I'll work out. If not, I'll just hang out in the steam baths for a while". Then by the time I get there, the walking has woken me up and got my blood pumping enough for me to forget I didn't want to work out in the first place.

    If I drive I say "OK, I'll go and just have a quick walk on the treadmill then hang out in the cafeteria". Yeah right... by the time I get there, start walking (ahem jogging), both the exercise and the pumping music get me in the mood to WANT to do the work out.

    So that's me, when I'm not in the mood to work out. I'm rather contrary, even with myself, so telling myself I MUST do something when I don't feel like it is a terrible strategy. Tricking myself into it makes all the difference ;)
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I trick myself, too :) Tell yourself you'll just do 1 set, maybe even fewer reps. That's the bare minimum. Then when you are actually doing it, you'll do the rest.

    I don't have to drive to the gym any more, so I tell myself to just do a bit of yoga and that's enough. Once I'm actually dressed out and doing any of it, I usually do the rest. Well, not the cardio, lol ;)
  • elmr34
    elmr34 Posts: 32 Member
    I do the same 'trick myself to work out' that others do. I'll *just* put on my stuff and take a walk. Ok, I'll just run a mile- that is easy. Ok, well I MIGHT AS WELL run 2 miles. Well, geez, this isn't really that hard so I'll just keep going...

    If it is just one day and I am crazy tired because I spent the day before hiking and doing yard work all day I take a day off and go to bed early! Sometimes I will also feel extremely sluggish and look at what I've eaten and realize I just haven't eaten nearly enough to have energy.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Not for anything, but I love going to the gym. I look forward to it all day, and it's not because it's making me healthier or helping me loose weight, it's just because I really enjoy the work that I do there.

    A great way to motivate yourself is to make sure you're doing something that you enjoy on any given day.

    For instance, as much as I enjoy squats, I could skip it if it was all I was doing that day at the gym. I really look forward to deadlifts though, so I made sure that I programmed to do both that day.

    If all you're doing is steady state cardio, alternate that with sprinting which is a little more fun, or with something else you like so you stick to it.

    Also, make sure you're on some kind of program for the exercise you are doing. That'll keep you on track, and have you looking forward to the next challenge in the gym (i.e. strength training program, or "couch to 5k" or something like that).
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    I look it just like work... I dont wake up every morning and debate whether or not i *feel like* going to work - I just look at the clock and say "Crap, gotta get up and go to work" and I do. The gym is a scheduled event for a specific time on specific days. There is no choice or thinking about it, its just what needs done at that time. I may not always put in the same performance, but I am always there.

    For work, working out, and just about anything else in life - the biggest job you have is SHOWING UP. Anything after that is gravy. Nothing else matters if you dont show up. Job #2 is try hard, by the way :). You can get through a lot in life by SHOWING UP and TRYING HARD. Doesnt matter your skill level or what you accomplish. Missing either of those is a recipe for failure, putting in both means you will at least be progressing.