I keep falling off the wagon...Here we go again..

I'm 28 and I would like to lose about 60-70lbs.

I lost 35lbs in 3 1/2 months about 2 years ago. I felt so good! I was getting so many compliments and my clothes fit better. I felt really great. Then I hit a plateau. I had also just quit smoking, which my doctor told me slowed my metabolism down drastically. I slowly lost interest in the gym and starting going out to eat more and made poor choices. I just gave up completely. Gained it all back.

I've been on and off with eating right and going to the gym and I just can't stick to it after a few months. It's all on me! I will hit a plateau and I'll get bummed out. I just end up quiting.

Like I said, I'm 28 and I want to enter my 30's in shape. I want to be comfortable in my own body, which I haven't been in years. I would like to eventually settle down with a family, and I know that after having kids, I'll probably gain even more weight and it will be hard to get rid of it. I want to enjoy myself! I want to enjoy the beach! I work in the fashion industry and I can't even wear the things I want to wear.

I just need some motivation....


  • kcb0308
    kcb0308 Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome. Sometimes it takes us feeling this way to spark the starting of our new lifestyle. Don't wait for New Years, or even tomorrow, start NOW. Go through the basics that MFP has with calorie intake and exercise. You can set your goal at 2lbs per week to lose at first, but then once you lose a bit you'll want to readjust to maybe 1lb per week.

    So for example if MFP sets your net calories at 1200. Then exercise and burn lets say 500 calories a day, and eat 1700 calories a day. 1700-500=1200 Net Calories.

    Just remember what your long term plans and dreams are and look forward to those, not so much on the scale each day.

    Take before pictures, take measurements.

    Get a food scale and measure/weigh all your food intake and log it here daily for accountability.
  • m1311
    m1311 Posts: 103 Member
    You lost weight pretty fast back then. If you set yourself up to lose half a pound a week on MFP, it will not feel so harsh to your body.

    Take baby steps. Start by just being honest and recording every bite you eat, every time. That will help get your brain's attention. Soon you'll start to choose foods based on what makes you feel better and doesn't fill up the calorie chart.

    Exercise is good for a million reasons, but not for weight loss. It tones you, gives you a better attitude and more energy, and helps reduce stress, but it takes a lot of exercise to "work off" a cookie or candy bar. Better to go for a nice walk and feel like drinking clean water instead of eating that cookie.

    Once you get yourself eating in a way that maintains your weight, then you'll be able to take off a few calories here and there. Eating just 100 calories under what you actually need (barely creating any hunger pangs at all), you'll lose a pound a month that is more likely to stay off than if you embark on some crazy calorie reduction.

    This is forever, right? Be gentle with yourself. Get some friends here, enjoy the networking, and you will gain motivation.
  • harry_170
    harry_170 Posts: 18 Member
    Have you considered a FitBit? I've been in the EXACT same boat as you. I am trying to find ways to stay motivated and track my progress. The FitBit is a constant reminder that I need to stay active and log what I eat against my activity.

    When I get super motived. I feel great, I lose weight. I ask myself "Why is it so hard to do this?"

    And then something happens like... Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, whatever.. something that puts an overabundance of food around me. I get lazy and slip into bad habits. As I regress I get afraid of stepping on the scale, telling myself I'll get back on track and weigh myself when I am back "in the zone." I finally man-up and get myself on the scale and I'm up 5-10 pounds. I then I say "Yikes" and get super motivated to get back into shape, eat better, have better habits.

    Repeat that over and over for the last 5 years and that's me.

    I think a big part of it is also just accepting that there will be good weeks and bad weeks, good months and bad months. But if you stay the course regardless of the bad times, you'll find long term progress.

    And as you can see, my massive 1 POUND LOST is an indicator of my stagnation. Not to disprove my "stay the course" mentality, I am actually down 35 pounds from 10 years ago. But, since I've joined MFP, I've been up and down a few times.
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    I'm 28 and I would like to lose about 60-70lbs.

    I lost 35lbs in 3 1/2 months about 2 years ago. I felt so good! I was getting so many compliments and my clothes fit better. I felt really great. Then I hit a plateau. I had also just quit smoking, which my doctor told me slowed my metabolism down drastically. I slowly lost interest in the gym and starting going out to eat more and made poor choices. I just gave up completely. Gained it all back.

    I've been on and off with eating right and going to the gym and I just can't stick to it after a few months. It's all on me! I will hit a plateau and I'll get bummed out. I just end up quiting.

    Like I said, I'm 28 and I want to enter my 30's in shape. I want to be comfortable in my own body, which I haven't been in years. I would like to eventually settle down with a family, and I know that after having kids, I'll probably gain even more weight and it will be hard to get rid of it. I want to enjoy myself! I want to enjoy the beach! I work in the fashion industry and I can't even wear the things I want to wear.

    I just need some motivation....

    Amanda, here comes the motivation! I got amped when I read your post. You said "Here we go AGAIN". You're like that kid in the school yard that the bully picks on, but no matter how many times the bully pushes you down, or knocks you down you KEEP getting back UP! You are frustrating the HECK out of the bully! No matter what he does, he can't get you to QUIT! Eventually, he'll leave you alone in favor of someone weak and timid! The reason you KEEP falling off the wagon, is because you keep GETTING BACK ON! Some people might view that as a negative, but I look at it completely different. People give up ALL THE TIME. They get knocked down and simply stay put. They sit there in the disappointment and failure and never get up again. There is something to be said for the person that will get up again and again. It means you can't be stopped and you will not be denied. I am GEEKED! I have a GOOD feeling that you are going to get over the hump and get the body and fitness levels you desire. Just take your time and trust the process. This is the right place and the right group of people to keep you encouraged and motivated. I am on every day spreading love!

    I am not even concerned that you won't make it. You are a survivor and a true grit champion. I have no DOUBT that you'll enter your 30's looking and feeling like a million dollars!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I just need some motivation....

    Aisle 7, half way down the right hand side.
  • g82green
    Never say never! You can do it and we’re all here to help cheer you on. Feel free to add me.
  • amandanilo
    amandanilo Posts: 62 Member
    I haven't been tracking because I'm so unmotivated!

    I joined this gym that had fitness classes and I LOVED it! I took everything from kickboxing to barre to a boot camp. It was great. However, my boyfriend and I broke up so I moved out and I just can't go there anymore - too far.

    I just bought an elliptical and that should be coming in soon. In the meantime, I have a gym membership. I would eventually like to get those Jillian Michaels DVDs that I hear are great.

    I need to make better choices with my food. I don't eat meat (some white fish, but that's it) and I make up for that but eating a lot of pasta and pizza. I would like to start eating less processed foods. I love salad, fish, couscous, etc. I just need to be PREPARED!
  • rosemary98
    i am sort of a similar situation. i have been ignoring my weight. gained some back. paying for a gym i haven't been using. i fell off the wagon...and i don't even see it in the distance. but i am going to try to stop this nonsense before is escalates any further. right now start a new path. first thing, figure out your eating deficit and do that today. nothing preventing you from that. that is my goal for today.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I haven't been tracking because I'm so unmotivated!

    There is your problem.
  • focuseddiva
    focuseddiva Posts: 174 Member
    I think you're smart to want to enter your 30s healthy and lighter. Take it form someone who is well past her 30s ... it does not get easier. Get it under control now, while you are young! Think about me -- an old lady on the boards -- telling you that this side of 40 makes losing weight so much harder. Now is the time to get it together. You can do it!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I haven't been tracking because I'm so unmotivated!

    I joined this gym that had fitness classes and I LOVED it! I took everything from kickboxing to barre to a boot camp. It was great. However, my boyfriend and I broke up so I moved out and I just can't go there anymore - too far.

    I just bought an elliptical and that should be coming in soon. In the meantime, I have a gym membership. I would eventually like to get those Jillian Michaels DVDs that I hear are great.

    I need to make better choices with my food. I don't eat meat (some white fish, but that's it) and I make up for that but eating a lot of pasta and pizza. I would like to start eating less processed foods. I love salad, fish, couscous, etc. I just need to be PREPARED!
    Losing weight is not about what you eat but how much you eat. Eat less calories than you burn and you will lose weight. Set up your weight loss goals in MFP, weigh and measure all foods, log all intake and calories burned, stay within your calorie allowance, and you will lose weight.