Just joined MFP :)

I am 46 years old...just joined MFP and have started my own gym & swim routine along with watching what I eat.

My goal is to lose 30-40 pounds but more interested in going down in clothing sizes and want definition in my upper arms and of course tone up everywhere else.

I had some medical issues that caused me to have a hysterectomy 10 years ago and lost my ovaries. I am open about sharing this because people don't realize the role that hormones play in weight loss. ITS HARD TO LOSE WEIGHT!!! I am not a candidate for any type of HRT.

My body does react pretty well to working out I just have to stay motivated. I live alone but in a really great apt community that has 2 gyms onsite, an indoor pool that I swim laps in every day. I am amazed how much I look forward to going home every day to do my g&s routine in addition to walking my dog. Week days we walk about an hour a day, weekends probably more like 2 to 2 1/2 hours a day broken up over the day.

There is a dress hanging in my closet that I want to be able to get into by my birthday the beginning of April. I spend a lot of time on the water boating with family and next summer want to look a whole lot better than this past summer.

So, no new year's resolution...mine started the day after Thanksgiving!!


  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    Welcome to MFP & much luck on your journey! You'll find lots of helpful folks around here, and lots of helpful posts if you use the search function well. Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • Anselee
    Anselee Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me I'm a daily logger. Alot of the posts and advice you'll get is really great but tracking your calories is a huge bonus! Good luck on reaching your goals :)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    First off, I like to welcome you and congratulations on your decision to a new healthy lifestyle. Coming here is the first step. I have similar goals. But being a guy, the way we both get to our goals may be slightly different.

    OK! I am going to assume that you set up your goals on here correctly and that you took a look at the requirements that MFP has provided you? As far as total calories, how much macros (protein, fats, carbs) you should be consuming each day? Making sure you hit your vital micros (chloresterol, potassium, fiber, Vit A, Vit C, Calcium, and Iron, and careful not too exceed the sodium limits set for you). I will assume that you have the typical measuring cups (1 cup, 1/2 cup, 1/4 cup) and spoons (TBS, 1/2 TBS, tsp, 1/2 tsp), and you need to invest in a good dietary scale (does both oz and grams). Practice portion control (pay attention to serving sizes on labels) and measure EVERYTHING you plan to put in your mouth per the serving size and then log it accordingly.

    This is the basic stuff. Now modifications. Personally, since I am lifting and cutting (trying to loose fat but gain/maintain muscle) I try to increase my protein percentage than what mfp suggests. Many say to consume 1g of lean body mass while cutting. I also do cardio. I log my calories burnt but I don't necessarily eat them all back, but many will advise you to do that.

    MFP is not set up to automatically adjust your calorie requirements if you log your exercises. If you put in a goal to loose 2 lbs a week, MFP will automatically give you a calorie deficit of (500 cals/lb) for a 1000 cals per day under what is considered your TDEE. If you exercise, this is a calorie deficit in addition to what mfp provides you, so many will advise you to eat back those calories that you exercised. This will be an ongoing play as you go along on your nutrient goals as you learn how your body reacts to exercise and a new diet.

    30-40 lbs I believe justifies 2 lbs a week as a goal. Whether or not you actually loose this much every week depends on a bunch of factors that I am sure you will slowly learn as you do research and ask more questions on here. Just hang in there no matter what. There will be a short period (first 2-3 weeks) where poundage just pours off (mostly water weight) then you come to a screatching halt for a period. Just work through it and continue. Ask questions if you must. Main thing is to start at the basics and get in the practice of portion control, logging, and analyzing your diet. After your goal becomes more like 20 or 10 lbs, you may find it that you will get more sucess if you try to loose 1 or .5 lbs a week. It is slower process but more adapt to your bodies needs.

    The other thing you mentioned is definition and toning of muscles. Basically this means building muscle mass. Now don't worry, I am not telling you to look like a man. But there is an art on how to to weight training as a woman to achieve those goals. I am sure many women on here will jump in and provide some basic work out strategies on how to achieve this.

    Good luck!!!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me I'm a daily logger. Alot of the posts and advice you'll get is really great but tracking your calories is a huge bonus! Good luck on reaching your goals :)

    Yeah, you'd better add Anselee. She is what we call "The Truth"! She is on this site getting it DONE!!
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    Welcome to the site MsPinkston! You are going to find all the support, encouragement and information you'll need to make your journey as successful as you want it to be! I am on every day logging and trying to lift people up as best I can. As I always say, we are in this TOGETHER! Every step you take closer to your goal is a victory for you AND for me! Add me if you are so inclined!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I forgot to mention something in my personal modification. I said that I consume more in protein because of my weight training, but I forgot to mention that I make this up by consuming less carbs than what mfp advises. So I still maintain the calorie deficit. I achieve this by cutting out breads and pastas and rice. I still eat a bowl of Cheerios or oatmeal in the morning, and I will eat a bannana, apple, and orange throught out the day, and lots of vegatables. All of which are considered carbs. But that is what i found works for me.

    You may hear a lot of good and bad suggestions on how to modify your diet. All may be worth looking into to see how different eating strategies may or may not work out for you. But it all will come down to basics, calories in, calories out, are we above or at deficit of our daily needs. Deficit = may need to use existing fat stores instead of food intake = weight loss! Logging and portion control.