Eating more than I ever have

cosmet Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Hi guys-
I'm new to this world. I've never eaten well and now that I am seeing a trainer, I am learning how bad my eating habits really were. Holy crap! So now my battle with food has begun. Or, I should say challenge. He has given me my daily goals and I really want to meet them. However, this is a lot more food than I am used to eating. I have to force myself to eat even if I'm not hungry so that I can stay on track. I end up with a stomach ache once in awhile or feel really bloated. I had to skip dinner last night and came in way too low for my daily protein. Does anyone have any suggestions? This is early in the game for me and I don't want to get discouraged. And all this time, I thought I would have to eat LESS when trying to get in shape! ;)



  • cosmet
    cosmet Posts: 5
    Thanks. He does know that this will be a challenge for me. I sent him a note today explaining how I felt yesterday and asked for his advice. I'm confident that we'll be able to work together on this. I was just hoping to gain additional suggestions so that I will have a well rounded approach. I had thought about a one a day protein bar/shake and it's good to know that you add one in each day. I was concerned I would end up relying on those too much.
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    I seem to be constantly eating in this 2, only a week in. My husband is going along with it but still is suspicious that in trying to fatten him up!!! He reckons there is no way I could be losing weight... But I am and pretty fast!!
    Protien bars are good but I have never used them and am always over my protien but I eat alot of egg whites and chicken.
    Don't force feed yourself, that isn't healthy... Have several small meals/snacks as someone suggested nuts or higher calorie food (good fats not fast food)
    good luck on your journey!!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I too have had the issue of feeling like I am eatting too much to be losing weight. I used to skip meals, maybe nibble on some nuts or chocolate to keep me going thru the days and then have a "normal" sized meal when I got home. I figure I was eatting maybe 700-1000 cals a day.... for years. I got to the point that I just didn't feel hungry, so I just didn't eat. No wonder my metabolism is all messed up. Getting into the habit of eatting every 4 hours has made a world of difference. I am eatting more now in a day than I ever have before. I am making better choices of what I am eatting, and also making myself eat something when my body doesn't tell me it's hungry.... after all it's all messed up. I am giving my body a chance to re-learn how and when to send the hungry signal. Some where down the line when my body is working right I will trust those signals, but I can't right now. For now it's eat healthy every 4 hours and stay close to my calorie goals. The weight loss is a bonus! At the end of week 4 it was 15 pounds. I know this will not be an easy road, or a very swift one. I also know there will be bumps and potholes in the road. For now it is a case of "sit down, buckle up and hold on!"

    I know you can do it too!

    p.s. try adding a probiotic to your diet as either yogurt or a supliment tablet, it will help with the digestive issues.
  • cosmet
    cosmet Posts: 5
    I am also eating lots of chicken and egg whites. I never thought I would like egg whites, but they're not bad! It's crazy to think that eating more CAN help you lose weight and get in shape. Except if you're my cats- who now seem to get a couple of extra handouts during the day!

    I appreciate your support. It IS a journey to a foreign land, but we can get there together!

  • cosmet
    cosmet Posts: 5
    I could have written all of that myself! Well- at the least part about how I used to eat. To some it up in one word: CRAP. Now that I'm learning more and tracking things, I am appalled at how I treated my body.
    My trainer is very supportive and reminded me that we're not always going to feel 100%, but my consistency in trying will make a difference. I realized then that I really have to let go of the "demons of perfection" and be proud that I am on a new journey and trying to make a difference. Baby steps, right?
    I'm sure I will come back to your post for inspiration because after years of nibbling on crap, I need to remember that this is new to my physical body and not just my mental body!

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