Sugars from fruit

Heey guys,

As a newbie on this website, I've been using it for 3 weeks now, I have something that bothers me and that is the intake of sugar.

I am a 24F, 92kg and 173cm. According to the website, I should have a sugar count of 38.
The only problem is, when I eat 2 pieces of fruit like a pear and an apple, I already consume 32...

Considering that I also eat whole wheat bread, it will take me over my sugar count ( dont even mention some possible sugars from other products).

Do you guys count fruit sugars?
should I stick to just one piece of fruit a day (and loose vitamins)?
Or ahouls I just ignore the sugar count if I know that I am eating healthy?

Thanks for your input ^^


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Unless you have a medical reason there's no point tracking sugars. MFP set the level stupidly low
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    yarwell wrote up an excellent sugar FAQ that will answer your questions -- including how to change your sugar goal or hide it and track something else if that's something you want to do.

    Sugar FAQ:

    In general about 10% of your calories will be from naturally occurring sugars and the American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar a day for women. So a reasonable total sugar amount for a women eating 1,500 calories might be 63g of sugar.

    Australia has a dietary recommendation of no more than 90g of total sugar per day.

    So if your sugar from all sources including fruit isn't exceeding 90g (and you don't have any health conditions that warrant stricter sugar limits) I think your sugar intake is probably fine. Good luck. :smile:
  • tanyatabone9
    tanyatabone9 Posts: 39 Member
    I track iron instead of sugar. I find it helps to bring iron to the front of my mind and in terms of long term energy and well being, I need to monitor iron intake as I am susceptible to anemia. I just glanced through my sugars then and found most of them go up to 63 grams at the highest (and that's when I've had a little bit of birthday cake or a sweet treat of some description), and most days I sit under 40 grams, including the days that I eat fruit. I think if you eat 'healthful' then you shouldn't have to worry about it unless you are of course, diabetic!
  • Thanks for the link and the comments ^^ It eased my mind so much!
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member

    Beware, the video recommended here has profane language. I found it offensive. Would prefer a video without offensive language and info citing medical professional or peer reviewed scientific literature, or better yet a video of a medical doctor explaining valid nutritional recommendation on dietary sugar.
  • I just check occasionally for sugars from artificial sweeteners or added sugar i.e candies and what-not.
    Natural fruit sugar is not calculated against the daily 40g. And honestly I usually consume between 60-80+g added anyways, without counting fruits. And it's not really having any negative effects that I've noticed.