Bikram Yoga

Hi everyone! I'm Jena from NY, I'm 25. I quit smoking after 10 years over a month ago. From day one I slowly got used to exercise by starting off at an easy 30 minutes on the elliptical at the lowest resistance setting. I stayed there for a while as to not become discouraged quickly. A month later here I am, still not smoking, feeling great. I'm at the gym almost everyday for at least 45 min of the elliptical and am now using hill and incline settings. I also began practicing Bikram and Vinyasa Yoga. I can't tell you how life changing my yoga experiences have already begun to be. Hot yoga might sound intimidating and I was a bit nervous when walking into my first class... but if you can stand the heat... this is by far the way to go. Depending on your weight and age you can burn between approximately 700-1000 calories per 90 minute session. The room is heated up to 105 degrees and bring a few towels otherwise you'll be sliding off your mat. I am gaining such a restorative peace and am toning every inch of my body. Especially my core! You are not going to find the same mental/psychical results from the treadmill with music blasting in your ears. Don't get me wrong... I use the gym in conjunction w yoga and a low cal/ organic diet. I think that if you are really trying to reshape your body and life you should at least try yoga if you haven't already and surrender into it's concepts and theories. Your body will thank you later! And I can't give enough praises to Bikram and it's 26 poses. Absolutely amazing. Can't wait for the next class.


  • yummygoods
    yummygoods Posts: 32 Member
    I love Bikram yoga! In June I did the 30 day challenge: Bikram yoga every day for 30 days. It was intense and awesome! AT the moment I am only going once a week or so, but I'll do another 30 days in September.
  • Jena13
    Jena13 Posts: 8
    Wow that's something to be proud of! I'm definitely too sore for the 30 days just yet. I was going to try but I think that's defeating the whole purpose of being in tune with your body if you hurt yourself, lol. I know I'll get there though and can't wait to know how great that must feel for the body, soul and mind.
  • adrienc
    adrienc Posts: 57
    I'm praticing regularly vinyasa and power yoga (3-4 times a week at my gym club)
    I just tried Bikram yoga this morning, and I was totally exhausted!!

    I loved it but I don't think I'm ready for doing it intensively though, and will stick to a slower and cooler yoga form for the time being.
    Have you tried Kundalina yoga? It's a way quieter pace than Bikram but I've heard that the spiritual benefits are amazing with it.
  • Thorswoman
    Interesting. I've been practicing Yoga for years (on and off, leisurely) and I have never even heard of Bikram (Hot) Yoga. I've done Hatha and Kundilini. I wonder if this is offered in Norman, OK where I live. We have lots of other Yoga studios, but I usually do the Yoga Zone Videos at home. So relaxing.