I want to be a yummy mummy!

Hi there im maggie and im 26! Im wanting to lose the weight that ive gained since being pregnant. I had my little girl in July this year and instead of my weight going down its seemed to have risen and risen :( I used to be a size 8/10 and am now in size 14 clothes which really annoys me as i was so looking forward to getting back into my old clothes after having baby! Ive always had a big bum and thighs, however have managed to live with this and make them look as good as i can as i know thats my body shape. I used to be a gymaholic, however being pregnant and now baby is here ive just gotten lazier and lazier, with cooking and exercise!

SO, im on a mission to change my diet and to exercise atleast 4 times a week! I currently weigh 179lbs and am wanting to go back to my old weight which was around the 125lb mark. The diet for me is the hardest part. Especially what with living with my partner who can eat pretty much anything and not put any weight on. Plus its almost christmas, however i guess theres no time like the present!

Here go's, wish me luck :) x


  • ArteriaJones326
    ArteriaJones326 Posts: 9 Member
    OKay so... I am in Awe.
    I have the same desire as you. I had my baby girl in August.
    I was a size 10 and now in a 14. I want to be an 8 (or lower) for my hubby.
    Its also for me of course. But I am here to encourage you.
    You can DO it!!
  • leudey
    Hey ladies!

    I had my little man at the start of this year and started getting serious about exercise and food in August!

    Different to you guys though, I was always overweight pre preggo size 14, and now at 165 and size 10 for the first time in my adult life! Still got 10 or so pounds to go though!

    But what worked really well for me was low carb, high fat. But you do whatever works for you! I think the main reason this worked is because it cuts out a lot of processed stuff and since being pregnant I had a sugar addiction. I know a lot of people hate this but I diet and I'm strict (eating low carb and calorie deficit) for a six week period with 2-3 cheat meals per week and then at the end I have a full diet break and eat whatever I want at maitenance calories! I do running and weights but I have focused mainly on the diet!

    I'm down 40 pounds, I am in the best shape of my life!! You can do it ladies, talk to your partners, get them on board and they will help support you! Good on you, I think it's really important to look after yourself as a part of being a good mum!
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    After two babies I know that desire to fit into pre pregnancy clothing. The extra energy you will gain from a healthy eating and exercise plan will really help when your baby turns into a toddler :)

    Good luck on your journey :)
  • FitMomOK
    FitMomOK Posts: 66 Member
    You can do it! I've had 3 kids and lost the weight with each one. It takes time (for me up to a year, but I wasn't all out focused like I could have been) but you can absolutely do it. I'm now trying to lose the last 15 and tone up my core.
    One thing I've found for me is joining the YMCA with childcare that I like has been a huge help. Someone else watches baby, you get a break, and you get a great workout in. It was hard for me to stick to DVDs or things like walking where the baby had to be involved, although those could work occasionally, because if the baby starts crying you have to stop and attend to it, so it's nice to just have someone else in charge of baby for a while so you can focus.
    The attention to diet is worth it and will actually benefit the whole family because the more fruits and veggies you eat (and less fast food) that just spills over into your home. So putting in the time now (before the baby is mobile and you have even LESS time) to learn healthy recipes and techniques will help you out for the next few years.
    You'll do great! :)
  • raaraa17
    raaraa17 Posts: 1,225 Member
    I had my first little boy in May this year. I'm Sarah, and I'm 27.
    This site has helped me to lose all the baby weight and even more!
    Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • mlauraa
    mlauraa Posts: 166 Member
    Hello, i know how you feel i used to be size 8-10 and am now also 14 in jeans, it sucks! I am currently in the process of trying to lose weight as well, feel free to add me :-)

    Also I started this fit by February Group, everyone is welcome to join, i feel like this can be a great motivation group for everyone.

    Here is the link if interest.. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/17897-fit-by-february-14-2014-15-pounds
    Lets do This!!!!:drinker:
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    My twin boys are almost 16 months old and I have the last 8 pounds to lose, currently a size 6 but used to be a 2/4, just want to be more toned and healthy, not so much worried about scale :) focusing on hitting my macros and getting in three workouts a week!
    Would love to support all the mommies out there!! Feel free to add me
  • Searching44
    Good luck and I know you'll find your way! :flowerforyou:
  • MrsKMaree
    Hi there im maggie and im 26! Im wanting to lose the weight that ive gained since being pregnant. I had my little girl in July this year and instead of my weight going down its seemed to have risen and risen :( I used to be a size 8/10 and am now in size 14 clothes which really annoys me as i was so looking forward to getting back into my old clothes after having baby! Ive always had a big bum and thighs, however have managed to live with this and make them look as good as i can as i know thats my body shape. I used to be a gymaholic, however being pregnant and now baby is here ive just gotten lazier and lazier, with cooking and exercise!

    SO, im on a mission to change my diet and to exercise atleast 4 times a week! I currently weigh 179lbs and am wanting to go back to my old weight which was around the 125lb mark. The diet for me is the hardest part. Especially what with living with my partner who can eat pretty much anything and not put any weight on. Plus its almost christmas, however i guess theres no time like the present!

    Here go's, wish me luck :) x

    I could have written this post! Had my boy in September(second and LAST baby lol), and I am pining for my the 'old' me!
    Good Luck! Sending LOTS of positive energy your way!
  • weeble870
    Thank you for all the positive comments.

    Bring on the yummy mummy bod :wink:
  • fatladygoingslim
    Hi there im maggie and im 26! Im wanting to lose the weight that ive gained since being pregnant. I had my little girl in July this year and instead of my weight going down its seemed to have risen and risen :( I used to be a size 8/10 and am now in size 14 clothes which really annoys me as i was so looking forward to getting back into my old clothes after having baby! Ive always had a big bum and thighs, however have managed to live with this and make them look as good as i can as i know thats my body shape. I used to be a gymaholic, however being pregnant and now baby is here ive just gotten lazier and lazier, with cooking and exercise!

    SO, im on a mission to change my diet and to exercise atleast 4 times a week! I currently weigh 179lbs and am wanting to go back to my old weight which was around the 125lb mark. The diet for me is the hardest part. Especially what with living with my partner who can eat pretty much anything and not put any weight on. Plus its almost christmas, however i guess theres no time like the present!

    Here go's, wish me luck :) x

    Although my baby is 4 years old now (lol) but I am really having problem to get myself back. I used to yoga and Pilates before but now after so many weeks of dieting and workout (at home mostly) I am seeking seriously some friends to help me motivate.
    I have same issue a husband with really fast metabolism who never put on weight.
    I hope to have some friends who inspire me to move more.
  • wildeyezz
    wildeyezz Posts: 84 Member
    I had my first baby boy in August of this year. I returned to my pre-pregnancy weight, but now I am motivated to lose the original 30lbs that I have been carrying for a couple of years.

    Feel free to friend me.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    It took me 18 months to lose 22kgs...I'm at the 15 month this time around with another 8kgs to lose.

    You can do it :smile: