Sluggy Feeling

I think I have my hump....I've lost a total of 52 pounds so far and have about 28 ore to go. I weigh-in every Sunday and while I look forward to dropping the pounds, I'm more anxious to drop the inches and they aren't coming off as fast as the pounds. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but my goal is to go from my size 16 jeans (I'm now 14 finally) into a size 10 but am now worried I may have set the bar too high. My size 14's are still a little tight and I'm starting to feel kinda down about ever getting into them. This journey has been loooong. I was one of the New Year Resolution setters who actually stuck with it. So this is a 8 month long journey for me? I have 4 months to go....Any tips on how to get out of the grey zone? Because I reaaally would love to feel energized and excited about dropping weight again.


  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Sometimes your body just doesn't want to move the inches. Just like sometimes it will move the inches but not the pounds. It is a mystery to me. Keep on the path you have done so great on! It will happen.

    Better to have the tight 14's than to go back up to the tight 16's or 18's.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I felt the same as you ... I was losing weight but didn't feel like I was getting any smaller. Then I hit a plateau and didn't lose anything (so be grateful! lol). I posted a million times and took a lot of advice given to me here and ended up added more WEIGHT lifting and more cardio to my routine, got stricter with my diet, started eating MORE... and the inches came off. Now it seems I lose more inches than weight these days. Building muscle is the key to burning fat which in turn, makes you smaller! So get to lifting if you're not already. Increase your cardio also if you're only at about 30 mins per day... go to 45 or 60. Do two-a-days if you have to. It'll feel great once you see those results!!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    You have lost quite a bit of weight! And if all 50 were in the last 8 months - that is really good! I've lost about 8 in about 4 months... though, I only have another 5-15 to go depending on what I decide I want to push for. And I anticipate that if I want to go for all 15 that it will be many more months. Even at the weight I have lost I am still wearing the same jeans as I was several months ago. They fit a bit better, but it would be so nice to actually drop down a size.

    Plus, my legs are the LAST place i lose any weight. So, have you gone down in inches elsewhere? Also, are you doing weights and toning? That can help you with the inches and putting everything back into place as the cardio burns it off.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Keep at it. You're doing great, losing pounds, learning lots. I am taking a long time getting from 16 to 14, but I remember now that my size 16 were toooo tight, I was just not going to buy anything bigger. So in reality I was probably starting at 18.
    I find exercise is essential to get rid of the inches. I can't see what your doing for exercise but pilates is a low imapact waist trimmer. I like the treadmill with music to pass time and make me run/walk/run. Also the wii fit cycling makes me competative. Holding the trunk muscles in for these workouts helps. Nothing happens as fast as we want, but I have set my mind ready for a year long commitment.
    This might sound strange but it was something I learned as a child and has stuck with me. I write a letter to myself with lots of questions and put a date on it to open it later. I write down the specific changes I want to see, like "is it easier to go to the fridge and pull out a healthy snack" is recording calories any easier. Can I wear a certain shirt now. When I open them, I can see just how far I've come, because change is so gradual.
    Best of wishes to you, keep it up.
  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
    Have you been doing any weight training? Weight training builds lean muscle thereby helping you to loose inches. Incorporate some weight training two to three times weekly.
  • beccafreak
    I thought I was putting in a decent amount of muscle building and toning but now that I think about it, I hardly touch it. I'm all into the cardio and didn't even think about it. There is something about it that turns me off. But it completely makes sense and I don't know why I didn't think about it sooner. I may have melted off brain cells maybe and that's where my weight loss is coming from?? LoL.
    My thighs and rear end are the last place I seem to drop inches from. I definitely am thankful I can fit into 14s, I just want to stand up and see between my legs a little. That's my problem area and the reason I began losing weight in teh first place. I'm a pear shape, all small on top and heavy in the middle to bottom area. I use the eliptical a lot and am quit obsessed with it. I dispise the treadmill but have begun to use it. It's not just sexy to feel yourself bounce...
    Thank you guys so much for posting! I'm so new here and still feel weird about whining about my issues but am so thankful and grateful you helped me! :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Well I can relate 'cause now that I've lost weight, I'm a pear! Once I'm done losing weight, I'll be back to my hourglass shape! Yea! So, here are some tips for you:

    If you're using the elliptical, use it on the lowest resistance setting and a low incline. This will allow you to go faster and get a better calorie burn instead of having resistance which builds muscle.

    START lifting! I'm not kidding. Just get some dumbbells and do some bicep curls, tricep extensions, etc. For legs, my routine is pretty intense and I've noticed a difference in my thighs (ALWAYS been the biggest part of me) so this is what I do:

    Plie squats - wide stance with your feet angled in a slight "V". Lower down just to where your knees are aligned with your ankles. Don't go past. Hold a dumbbell with both hands in between your legs, keep your arms at your sides, tight. Do as many as you can. I started with 10 and am now doing 2-3 sets of 15 at a time.

    Fire hydrants (hehe) - Stand on your hands and knees. Put a dumbbell behind your knee and hold it by flexing your muscle (not sure which, if you wiggle with it, you can find what's comfortable for you and what works. Lift your leg out to the side like ... well, like you're a dog peeing! lol Do however many you can. I started with 20, now I aim for 25 or try to do 2 sets of 20.

    Donkey kicks - same stance as before with the dumbbell behind your knee. This time, keep your knee bent and move it back behind you and back. Same reps as fire hydrants.

    Spider walk - Place a dumbbell facing up (long-ways) on the floor in front of you... quite a bit away, maybe 6 feet. Assume a wide squat position. Don't squat all the way down, just slightly squat and walk forward until you're hovering over the dumbbell. Deep squat to pick it up. Make sure your back is straight and your abs are tight. Deep squat to replace it. Stand up and walk back to your original position. Aim for 10-12 reps. It helps to rest between 'cause you will FEEL this.

    Walking lunge - You can do this holding weights or not. I don't use weights. Do a deep lunge forward and switch legs until you run out of space, then lunge backwards until you're back at your starting point or until you reach 10 or 15 reps. I started with 10 and have increased to 15. Again, you'll feel these so just do as many as you can.

    I also do some resistance work with bands on my legs during Pilates and I really can feel it working... simple things like side leg raises but with the band wrapped around the arch of your foot and hold it in in a fist at about chest or waist level on the floor.