Which Maintenance calorie goal to meet?

I'm in the process of finding my maintenance calorie intake but on days when I work it's really difficult for me to meet my daily calorie goal so is it okay for me to eat the deflict on the following day? Will I gain weight by doing so or cause inaccuracies in calculating my maintenance calorie? Am I suppose to meet the daily calorie goal or weekly calorie goal or even the monthly calorie goal to find my maintenance calorie intake?? I will really appreciate your help!!


  • FindingMyPerfection
    Many people look at their weekly cal total and not their daily one
  • YouHadMyCuriosity
    YouHadMyCuriosity Posts: 218 Member
    My general rule of thumb for myself, when I was in maintenance, is looking at a week, rather than individual days. Say my maintenance was exactly 2000 cals to make this easy- One day I might go out with friends, consume 2500 calories because those nachos just looked too darn good. The next day I might eat 1500 calories because I didn't exercise and wasn't very hungry. As long as it averaged out over a week to be 2000 calories, good to go!

    Maintaining weight is a lifestyle. I can't commit to eat the exact same number of calories every single day, because sometimes I'm hungrier, sometimes I get busy, sometimes there is an event, any number of things. Committing to an average over a week, much more doable, and sustainable! I wouldn't recommend doing a month, just because that is a lot of math to keep track of over a month, and I can see a lot more room for error if I attempted to do that- I also feel like, at that point, I would probably eat too much the first half of the month, and not be left with enough calories for the second half ;)

    I would like to add, before you see my profile and see that I am trying to currently lose a little bit of weight, I did not gain that weight while maintaining as I described it above. That worked brilliantly, and I maintained for about 2 years! I gained 14 months during 3 months of travel that I gave myself the green light to overeat, since I was visiting people and places that I very, very rarely see. I knew I would gain weight, determined I was fine with it, and went nuts.
  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    But I feel insecure eating more Thant daily goal to eat back the calories to meet the weekly goal...