Daily Calorie Intake Related To Sleep

JayStu Posts: 332 Member
I have been having trouble getting a good night sleep for weeks now. One friend suggested that perhaps it has to do with the amount of calories I eat during the day.
From 8am-6pm I eat both breakfast and lunch and it adds to usually around 500 calories for both and then when I get home at 7pm I eat supper and then eat until I get to my daily intake of 1620
So would eating around 1000-1100 calories from 7pm til 11:30pm prevent me from getting a good night sleep?.


  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    I'm also curious about this!! That's normally what I do.
  • Safiyandi
    I've struggled with sleep throughout my life... meal timing and daily calories per se don't seem to affect it, but late-night sodium does (having to get up in the middle of the night to drink/pee, etc).
  • bcnewell27
    bcnewell27 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm not an expert but I have seen it mentioned in several articles that eating too close to bedtime can interfere with your sleep. It was something about how your body isworking on digesting your food and food gives you energy. Something like that. I think that's where the weird rule of not eating after 6pm or at least three hours before bedtime came in to play.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I wouldn't be surprised. If you're consuming most of your calories at the end of the day, you're taking in too much energy. Try having a larger portion of your calories earlier and see if sleep improves.