In need of patience

I'm 5'6" and currently 144 pounds. I have an awesome 10 month old daughter who nurses 3-4 times a day. I'm working out with a trainer 3 times a week and doing an hour of cardio 3 times a week. I've lost 6 pounds in two months. I have ten more pounds to hit pre-pregnancy weight. I know I'm losing weight at a proper rate - just sometimes I get discouraged that it's not coming off faster. I know these last ten pounds will be tricky while still nursing - and I know I need to be patient. Unfortunately, I was not blessed with a whole lot of it! Any words of encouragement? Or any tips to stay the course? Much appreciated.


  • PriscillaBramble
    PriscillaBramble Posts: 85 Member
    That actually sounds like a healthy weight for your height. However I have two kids so I completely understand getting back to pre-pregnancy weight. You def are loosing at proper rate. It takes the average person a full year ( I have noticed) to get to pre-pregnancy and you sound like your on track. Think about where you were at and how far you have come!!!! Feel free to add me if you want.
  • kdt8810
    kdt8810 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you for your kind words. I know I'm at a healthy weight for my height. My bodyfat percentage is a different story - it's a work in progress :) Honestly, I just want to fit into my pants again! I'm 39 years old and everyone is telling me I'll never get my body back - I want to prove them wrong. Sometimes I just need a little support! Over Thanksgiving my in-laws were visiting and eating candy bars and all sorts of treats that don't fit into my lifestyle. I feel like saying no to the candy should result in an automatic flat stomach, right?
  • beanrider
    beanrider Posts: 66 Member
    I feel like saying no to the candy should result in an automatic flat stomach, right?

    That made me chuckle!! If only, if only. I have no real words of wisdom, I lack patience also. I have found the closer I get to my goal weight, the slower the progress. I would suggest focusing more on toning and less on the scale number. In the last 2 months I have only lost 4 pounds, but dropped 2 pants sizes. My diet has stayed steady, but i have increased my weight lifting to 3 days a week. Best of luck, and just keep on keeping on.