Acid reflux or something like that...

I've been having lots of issues digesting and don't like taking meds. Anyone of you have remedies or some tips to help. I hate feeling sick all the time because of what I eat and that fact that I can't digest it -_- I have a good regime also so I don't get why I feel sick :sad:

Thank you guys!


  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Took a quick peak at your diary - are you saying that what you ate today can give you serious heartburn?
  • MsSophySticated
    MsSophySticated Posts: 181 Member
    It's not just today, it's been going on for long time. I struggle with digesting foods and don't know how to get rid of the acid reflux in my throat, it burns and it's uncomfortable...
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Yeah, sorry, that looks like a great daily menu and I have no idea what in there could be causing your distress. It all looks pretty innocuous.

    Good luck hunting this down!
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Go see a doctor if you think you have acid reflux.

    I take Nexium for mine and it has worked like a charm. If you have bad acid reflux the acid coming up can damage your throat especially when sleeping.

    Go get it checked out.
  • MsSophySticated
    MsSophySticated Posts: 181 Member
    But I don't want to take meds and I know they'll prescribe it... I was trying to see if there's some people who know like natural remedies :frown:
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    You dont even know what the problem is yet. Go get it looked at and go from there.
  • traceylynns
    traceylynns Posts: 155 Member
    I have GERD and gastroparesis. I take meds and they don't always help so when I am having a lot of trouble I drink Aloe if I don't have that I take a teaspoon of honey
  • MsSophySticated
    MsSophySticated Posts: 181 Member
    Thank you @tracey for the tip, I'll definitely try it out! :smile:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You dont even know what the problem is yet. Go get it looked at and go from there.

    This.... at the very least go get checked out.... My wife suffered with acid reflux for months trying home remedies, changing up everything she ate but never got past it and finally went to the doctor. He diagnosed her with acid reflux prescribed her Omeprazole which you can get over the counter but it is cheaper through our insurance. She takes it once a day and with in the first 24 hours it was a complete 180 to what she had been putting up with for so long. She has no issues with it at all now..... I don't like taking prescribed pills either but have Severe Osteoarthritis and without my pain pills daily I wouldn't get through some days....... Best of Luck
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I also drink aloe juice for mine - every day.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member
    While I don't understand what some of your food is, I agree that seeing a doctor to have the issue checked out is a good idea as you don't seem to be eating foods that would cause acid reflux.

    Even if a doctor figures out you have acid reflux (or some other issue) you don't have to take a prescription for it, but finding a natural remedy that works would be easier if you knew for sure what the issue is.

    For heartburn/acid reflux the natural remedies that work for me are drinking less at meals & papaya enzymes. Excess fluids, especially water, dilute stomach acid and can increase heartburn. I use papaya enzymes pretty often and they help. You might have to take them at every meal and sometimes in between depending on how bad the reflux is, but they do work. I'm taking them for pregnancy induced heart burn and they work well. Some people find dairy also helps to reduce reflux.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    I agree with seeing a doctor, but make it clear you don't want to on meds. My doc just threw pills at me and sent me on my way.

    What ultimately helped me was to keep a journal of what I ate, then marking when the reflux really bothered me. You can also try an elimination diet and reintroducing questionable items one at a time to see what the trigger is for you.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    I understand that you don't want to take meds, but sometimes it's not about what we want - it's about what we need. Left untreated acid reflux/GERD can cause some serious ling term damage. Google Barrett's esophagus & you'll see what I mean. I was on Nexium for about a year & the condition improved so they took me off it. I had no idea I had reflux, I didn't have the classic heartburn symptoms - the doctor thought to look further when I told him I got very phlegmy whenever I ate. Get it looked at & find out what it is & follow their directions on how to deal with it. Long term health can NOT take a back seat to not wanting to do something......
  • MsSophySticated
    MsSophySticated Posts: 181 Member
    Thank you guys :smile:
  • mrhonesty
    mrhonesty Posts: 274 Member
    The only problem with Aloe is that it can act as a diareutic so you need to start with a small amount. I have acid reflux and was told that a teaspoon of apple cider vineager in a glass of water each day helps reduce acid in your stomach. Or pepcid for a quick fix. I have acid reflux and take nexium. Please get that checked out because if left alone, can develop to serious issues. Best of luck to you and i feel for you.
  • AdrianaNiva
    AdrianaNiva Posts: 3 Member
    I have a hiatal hernia and GERD that causes the same type of issues. You may want to go to your doctor for a diagnosis (although honestly most of the remedies are things you can do at home). One of the first things my doctor told me to do is actually less fiber, more water (but no drinking or eating anything too quickly), don't eat before working out don't eat a couple hours before sleeping... Limit your caffeine (coffee is a huge no no for me) and red sauces (I'm looking at you, pizza)... Umm... I've noticed peeling the skin off my fruits help aaand there's this tea I've been drinking that helps

    Oh also I've been drinking a crazy amount of green tea (since the whole... no coffee and all that) and that seems to help, too).

    Hope that helps! From doing all that (usually, anyway) I've been able to keep my acid reflux in check without using medicine.
  • MsSophySticated
    MsSophySticated Posts: 181 Member
    That's great, thank you guys for the tips! :smile:
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    I understand that you don't want to take meds, but sometimes it's not about what we want - it's about what we need. Left untreated acid reflux/GERD can cause some serious ling term damage. Google Barrett's esophagus & you'll see what I mean. I was on Nexium for about a year & the condition improved so they took me off it. I had no idea I had reflux, I didn't have the classic heartburn symptoms - the doctor thought to look further when I told him I got very phlegmy whenever I ate. Get it looked at & find out what it is & follow their directions on how to deal with it. Long term health can NOT take a back seat to not wanting to do something......


    I was diagnosed many years ago now, and of course the first thing they do is prescribe medication. It's a good idea to take it at least initially to get it under control, then you can alter your lifestyle to alleviate your symptoms. My doctor said there are usually 3 major triggers for GERD: coffee (because of the caffeine), alcohol, and chocolate (that darn caffeine again). These don't trigger heartburn because of their acid content or anything like that, but rather over time in some people, they contribute to relaxation of the sphincter muscle between the esophagus and the stomach, which allows fluids to pass back and forth. I also had issues with tomatoes and anything with tomato in it, that was like instant hearburn for me! I have since given up coffee (that's all I was willing to give up!), have changed from eating large meals to more small ones, and have been medication free for several years now. Please get it checked out and get it under control. The longer you let it go the higher you're risk for long-term damage.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Just to follow up what i is nothing to mess with. A good friend had it way worse than I did. I took him to a specialist
    in Vancouver where he had to wear a camera down his nose into his stomach for 12 hours and record everything he ate so fluctuations could be recorded. Acid reflux if it is severe can cause tumors on your throat.

    Not something to mess with.