Need some compatriots!

I'm a 39 year old guy, happily married and working as an architect in Shanghai for the past 7+ years. In my time here I've lived an extraordinarily unhealthy lifestyle. Working far too many hours in a high-pressure very competitive and deadline driven industry, eating out for nearly every meal, and drinking. Oh,the drinking... Shanghai is a booze-hound's paradise, and most of the expats I know are complete lushes which makes it hard to turn down that last Belgian beer, or single-malt... Add to the this the greasy, salt and sugar saturated local Shanghainese style of cooking (HongShao"-everything!) and I've managed to pack on nearly 35 kg in the past 7 years. Now, I wasn't a small guy to being with. When I arrived I was already about 145 kg (320lbs), but I'm quite tall and I've always been athletic so most people would never guess my weight... Now however, I'm just a big tub and I need to do something about it.

I've had this app for a while and used to pop in every once in a while to check in, but now I need to get serious and take ownership of my health. I'd very much to like to meet some people who are going through the same struggle, so we can help each other out, act as cheerleaders, and console each other when we slap on a pound or 2 after a weekend of binge-drinking and over-eating (ie, Christmas back in the 'States with the family!!!).

Feel free to add me as a friend! My email is

Fight on!!!
