Where's my friends at?!?!

I've recently become a single momma of five!! Yes, I am insane. I have been on MFP for a few years, and have definitely slacked off.. Way off.. So who wants to be my friend? Help keep me motivated?!?! Feel free to add me! But only if you are crazy, funky, cool.. Cause I don't have time for any boring fuddy duddy's in my life!!! :-P (And the first guy that sends me a perv message just cause I said I'm single.. Yea, I got one thing for ya.. A punch in the throat!) :-)


  • rasp35
    rasp35 Posts: 13 Member
    Haha hilarious!! Love it!

    Wow 5 kiddies - good on ya :-)

    Just take weight loss day by day. It's a lot easier to get motivated for 1 day than 30 :-)
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    1 day at a time.
    Remember 1 meal won't set everything off track.
    Moderation not deprivation.
    The only one who can really motivate you is you. We can all say great job, but the only one making it happen is you.

  • shoing
    shoing Posts: 114 Member
    Like the others said, Take one day at a time, log everything you eat, drink plenty of water, and take it one day at a time. I know how busy moms are. I have three they aren't little any more but they once were and I remember those days. Mine were spread out but kids are kids. If you want a dedicated friend drop me a friend request just remind me where from. Ha
    Just a funny 37 years ago I lived in Zion, IL. Wow time flies! I went to Lake View Elementary school 4th-6th grade. The building we were in is administrative I think now. I lived in apartment 9 on Gideon Ave. I think It's 2109 Gideon. Sorry got to thinking about old times. Ha Good luck girl if you need me holler. Sonia in North MS.