New week!

peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
Last week I sucked, really sucked!! I did not do even one day of workouts and ate like absolute crap! So it's a new week, bought some new videos and I am going to lose some weight this week, am very determined (especially since it's shorts weather here now and they are a little snug) So I picked up a biggest loser workout and did it this morning and all I can say is "I love Bob, I love Bob, I love Bob" Not really, what I really want to say is "Screw you Bob":laugh: As soon as I catch my breath. What the hell kinda cardio have I been doing anyway? I've never had my butt kicked like this before with any of my workouts, could it be cause I missed a week?


  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Last week I sucked, really sucked!! I did not do even one day of workouts and ate like absolute crap! So it's a new week, bought some new videos and I am going to lose some weight this week, am very determined (especially since it's shorts weather here now and they are a little snug) So I picked up a biggest loser workout and did it this morning and all I can say is "I love Bob, I love Bob, I love Bob" Not really, what I really want to say is "Screw you Bob":laugh: As soon as I catch my breath. What the hell kinda cardio have I been doing anyway? I've never had my butt kicked like this before with any of my workouts, could it be cause I missed a week?
  • cinandchris
    cinandchris Posts: 229 Member
    I did that video before and it kicked my butt too :laugh:
  • Rachel89
    Rachel89 Posts: 68
    As Cheesy as some work out videos are they really work GREAT!!!