Restarting All Over Again...

Hi, I am not particularly new here in MFP, but I am experiencing major set backs in my life that causes me a lot of stress, and food became my source of comfort and such... Resulting in rapid weight gain and weight loss...

So, I am trying again, and this time I am hoping that I can stick into my plan and goals of becoming more healthy. More into fitness routine and less worrying about the calories and carbohydrates I consume for everyday needs...

I need help pertaining to my current situation, I know that everyone have their own struggles... Would there be anyone here who could give support and help? I shall thank you in advance. :)


  • Katsumii
    You can add me if you want! I'm a recovered/reformed anorexic, but I can still struggle with disordered eating habits. I'm doing my best to stick to a healthy lifestyle now.