Getting bored with my exercise

Hello everyone, I find that I am in a slump. It's not that I don't like my workouts, I just find that every morning when I get up I just really don't want to do it. I still do I was just wondering if anyone else has this same issue. I do my workout early because it is harder for me to do it during the day. So here is how I do it, I get up at between 4:45am -5:30am depending if I am doing just the one workout or both. When my husband is on afternoons I try to do both in the morning. Then I shower, get the kids up and start the day. But I am finding when I spend my 10-15mins waking up before I do the workout that I am trying to talk myself out of doing it. I still do it I just was wondering if anyone knows how to curb this train of thought.


  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    that happens to me all the time, but it depends on the weather. If its in the summer, I have no issues getting up at 5am to work out. as it gets closer and closer to Winter it gets harder and harder.
    I would set your alarm for 4:30, and maybe go to bed earlier. Also, put the alarm across the room, so you have to get up.
    Before you go to bed, drink alot of water... cause now, you have to get up to pea and to turn off the alarm.. but that time, you should ready to go.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    sounds like you need a different workout? maybe try finding something that is for a set amount of time, so you have a goal to work towards, something like C25K, 30 day shred, insanity, etc etc
  • doglover1984
    doglover1984 Posts: 54 Member
    I definitely think the pea thing would work, and I have been switching up my workout. The 30 day shred was awesome, I have moved onto the Ripped in 30 ( which is a butt kicker by the way lol ) and then I do one of the biggest loser workouts that I found on you tube. It is just a mental thing in the morning that I am struggling with.
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    I have an alarm clock that slowly turns a light on and increases its intensity. It makes it much easier for me to get up and feel normal rather than b*tchy & lazy in the winter.
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    Oh also, keep things interesting with your workout. Maybe that will help you stay motivated. So in other words, try a few new things to spice it up.