College Kid always on the go!

So I am determined to get back to the weight I use to be/ better than I use to be. I am biology major with a heavy class load with an internship and I nanny...I also commute. So despite that I don't drink soda, I don't eat red meat, I don't remember the last time I had fast food...I have gained a lot of weight..I started college (Freshmen) at 124lb ( I gained weight before I went to college over the summer when I went off my add meds ) and as a sophomore I am 147 and back on a different kind of ADD med that doesn't kill my appetite as much sadly. A LOT of the eating I do is stress eating. I also barely work out because I don't have a lot of time.
But I am trying fitness pal in hopes it will bring me encouragement.

and bring me to staying on track with my own health since I do want to work in the medical profession.