Hi Everyone

NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
Hi there, I joined myfitnesspal this past week and wow what a great community and website with tools. I originally weight 293lbs when I decided to start losing weight again.
I would find myself going up my stairs and finding myself out of breath and wonder why - Not the brightest bulb here at times. I went to my doctor and she ordered me for some blood work and I found out that I had dipped into the high cholesterol range and were lacking in levels of certain vitamins my body needed. She referred me to a dietitian and a free weight loss meeting - unsponsored group at the local hospital that would meet once a week for weigh ins and information, the meetings were half an hour long. My meeting with the dietitian gave me a lot of common sense information that I needed and she recommended what my carb/protein/fat intake should be. I lost weight.
I then started taking courses in the evening at one of the colleges here and found that I couldn't make the meetings because of a scheduling conflict, I continued to lose a little bit of weight but found myself off track very easily.
I had been hanging at the 262 range for awhile, and kind of got a kick in the butt to get my weight loss goals accomplished once again earlier this week. I was so lucky to stumble onto this site, I love being able to track my nutrition and fitness and it helps to motivate me daily. I do keep a blog but it's off of this site, which I have found useful as well.
I would love to have friends and if you ever need a person on your side to help motivate you, please let me know. I am also looking for people who might want to do some weekly challenges, starting very slowly! like maybe drinking those eight glasses of water they recommend every day for a week.


  • Lissa170
    Lissa170 Posts: 15
    Saunya, I would love to do weekly challenges with you. I have a bunch of weight to lose and could use the motivational push.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    Hi Lissa, That's wonderful! I accepted your friend request, If I hadn't found someone by Tomorrow or Monday to do challenges with me I was going to start doing just personal ones. I am not sure how we would keep track of it, maybe by posting in our blogs on this site a weekly challenge and commenting back and forth since there doesn't seem to be a mail system for this site.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    and I just figured out how they do have a mail system here, I wrote you! I'm excited to have someone do the challenges with me.