I think I developed joint pain from lifting

I have been lifting consistently for 5 weeks with no issues. Then I think a week ago I started to gradually feel pain in my joints like my knee, my fingers, wrist, or elbow. One day it'd one or the other.

I don't think my form is wrong. Right now my knee is hurting a lot today on my left just doing nothing. I did leg day three days ago and didn't have any issues. I don't lock my knees, I don't squat with knees over toes, I don't know what's wrong.

Do I just have bad knees? Could it be leg extensions or hamstring curls that cause it?



  • patfriendly
    patfriendly Posts: 263 Member
    Don't guess. Go see a doctor.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Leg extensions are not well regarded by personal trainers. They do put a lot of stress on the knee. Try squats, hack squats and/or sissy squats instead.

    As for the other joints, is it pain experienced while moving it, or does it just seem to ache? Does it keep hurting or go away after a few hours?
  • TarynAngeline
    TarynAngeline Posts: 95 Member
    Yes, I'd stop with the leg extensions.

    You say you've only been lifting for 5 weeks, have you been rapidly progressing your weights? You need to take it slow because just because your muscles may be ready for the next level, doesn't mean your ligaments are. This is how I ended up with tendonitis too. Take some time off and then ease back into it would be my advice.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Yeah, there's inherent risk of injury when you workout. I hope you're starting light (starting, not staying), and incrementing in small proportions. Otherwise, keep checking your form and learning about leverages. You've only been doing this for 5 weeks, you're probably making mistakes all over the place still lol It's just the way it goes.

    If the pain sticks around, go see a doctor. That's what I'm doing. Ideally, an orthopedist with experience in sports medicine.

    Also, cut out the isolation stuff for right now. You need to be focusing on compound movements like the squat and deadlift. You can safely handle more weight this way, and it'll take less of a toll on your joints.
  • sugamonstaa
    sugamonstaa Posts: 88 Member
    I think maybe it was the deadlifts. I worked out back yesterday. Never had issues but for some reason odd knee pain today.
    I think rapidly increasing weights strained me so I've been trying to lower weight and just focus on form and the burn

    I've been working out for 5 weeks but I'm not a newbie!! I've lifted on and off for years but only last year when I was at it consistently. Then I fell off track
  • sugamonstaa
    sugamonstaa Posts: 88 Member
    Leg extensions are not well regarded by personal trainers. They do put a lot of stress on the knee. Try squats, hack squats and/or sissy squats instead.

    As for the other joints, is it pain experienced while moving it, or does it just seem to ache? Does it keep hurting or go away after a few hours?

    Doesn't hurt when I lift and it's not extreme. It'll be like a day or two after and I'll feel it when I'm doing nothing. Doesn't hurt with pressure
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I think maybe it was the deadlifts. I worked out back yesterday. Never had issues but for some reason odd knee pain today.
    I think rapidly increasing weights strained me so I've been trying to lower weight and just focus on form and the burn

    I've been working out for 5 weeks but I'm not a newbie!! I've lifted on and off for years but only last year when I was at it consistently. Then I fell off track

    If you were inconsistent before, I would just train like a newbie now. Start light, it's a virtue for smart lifters. The weight will get heavy in time.

    I've actually developed some pain in my knees, to where I have to see a doctor (appt set for this month). Not sure if it was on the squat or DL, but I think I might have been slightly bowing my knees out on the DL to make room for the bar path (or just not aligning right on my squats). Or maybe it was just too much for my joints... anyways...

    I didn't think very much of it before, but when the weight got heavy (like around 2x bodyweight) that little movement might have made a big difference. I was being very careful but I still have a lot to learn I guess, and the weight is unforgiving.

    Also, I'm short and my legs hang off my desk chair (yeah, hilarious, it's a high desk sue me :laugh:) and it might just be due to THAT.
  • sugamonstaa
    sugamonstaa Posts: 88 Member
    Yeah it's probably me moving too fast on heavy weights. It just sucks because I know I can lift it but I guess my ligaments aren't "ready". I'll probably lift it at a certain weight until I feel it's not AS challenging and go up rather than "Oh I can do this, I should UP it next rep!"

    Knee ain't hurting no more now lol