Starting over

I don't know how to get back to where I was, I have stopped with MFP and not much exercise, any advice on how to kick start this again especially coming up to the holiday season?


  • BossBich
    BossBich Posts: 65 Member
    Nothing to it but to do it ....... Just get busy you can do it .....
  • Christina2189
    Christina2189 Posts: 24 Member
    The thing that helps me is meal prep. I like to know ahead of time what I'm going to eat and when, and that also saves me from browsing the fridge or pantry. I also rotate between the same things everyday. The exercising part is more challenging though. My problem has always been when I start exercising and eating right, I go overboard on both. I basically try to run a marathon before I can sprint. This time around, it's like a light bulb went off and I realized, I don't need to practically kill myself every work out. If you walk for 30 minutes, you are still burning calories. Any "work out" can be a "good" work out. It's hard to stick with it long term if you are burning yourself out entirely on the workouts because you have to work up to that. So for me, I'm starting slow with eating right and five or six meals a day, and exercising by walking, weight lifting, etc. I think another great thing is the support you can find on MFP. I've never used this website until this week and I've never felt more motivated or inspired! Hope this helps and good luck!
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    Too me it is like learning to ride a bike when you were a kid. You will likely fall off, but you just need to get back on the bike at keep trying. Look at what worked the first time and do that again. Determine what didn't work and try something different. I find that making small changes in habits helps more then making one big change all at once.
  • pahock
    pahock Posts: 27 Member
    The thing that helps me is meal prep. I like to know ahead of time what I'm going to eat and when, and that also saves me from browsing the fridge or pantry. I also rotate between the same things everyday.

    I totally agree with this. You have to prepare to succeed. If I don't have everything ready to go the night before, I won't do it in the morning. That's when I find myself hitting a drive thru.. I LOVE food and I HATE exercising, but I'm trying to retrain my brain to look at food as fuel. Then when I'm doing good, I can treat myself. I've been doing good all week, so I had a glass of wine last night.
  • pahock
    pahock Posts: 27 Member
    I think I did that whole quote thing wrong. New to all of this.
  • Girlrose
    Girlrose Posts: 127 Member
    Great advice from everyone! I also feel like I've fallen off the wagon because I haven't exercised in two months. There's nothing to do but to just start moving again!
  • geoffreyhancockstr
    Thanks everyone, I am finding it hard to get going, but I do the same when I start I get obsessed over exercise and food, then when I fall off I really fall off. Gotta find a way to get balance in both. I do get deja vu from being here near the holidays over and over...