Leslie Sansone Walk at Home Videos

Hey guys,
I started doing my Leslie Sansone Walk at Home Videos. I did them religiously in the past, and they really are a good workout for me! I'm not the most physically active person in the world, and it doesn't help that I have a bad back. I feel a little jipped because I plug my workout into MFP under moderate walking, but I used to have a calorie burn/heart rate tracker watch that showed I burned much more than that. Anyhoo, has anyone else had success with Leslie's videos???


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I like the videos. I think it can burn more than just walking does, depending on how much energy you put into it. I log it as walking 4 miles per hour.
  • I lost my first 25 pounds just doing her videos. So I call that a success as it was in about 4-6 weeks. Of course, I ate healthy as well.
  • i hope i have these good results, just bought my dvd and im hoping to lose 10 lbs this month