Binged and shocked at how many calories I eat!

So I am a binger. I have been for a while but I am actually still a healthy weight because I eat super healthily 4 out of 7 days a week. However, I would like to lose a bit of weight as I'm a runner and want to be lean!

I've tried a lot, eating regularly through the day, cutting out my triggers, all sorts. But the problem is, with most of us bingers, is that I'm 'all-or-nothing' especially with food. I'm unable to allow myself treats, it makes me feel anxious (I've had eating disorders on and off and unfortunately this cycle I'm in now is the safest I can get at the moment!), so I either eat a really really healthy meal or a really unhealthy one, which isn't too bad, we have to have balance right?

Today is the first time I have ever logged my binge as anytime I try and be as healthy as possible, one binge kicks it out the window (again all-or-nothing, I'm either really good or I give up completely).

And oh my god, I know I ate a lot during a binge but I've had over 4000 calories today and TEN TIMES my sugar allowance (I eat a lot of fruit which contributes).

Feeling pretty ****ty now :(


  • ohheytoned
    ohheytoned Posts: 34 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. You've acknowledged that what you're doing is unhealthy and I think that's a good first step. However, you seem to be finding ways to "justify" your binging by saying you eat healthy for most of the week and you're a healthy weight, if I may say so. I think that's a negative way to deal with the situation. Acknowledge that binging is unhealthy and counter-productive, accept and love yourself, and have a kick-*kitten* HEALTHY day tomorrow full of fruits and veggies, lean protein, etc etc and throw in a nice workout in there too! Don't dwell on the past, you can't change that. All you have is tomorrow. Lots of people have successfully kicked their binging habits and there's no reason to suggest that you can't either. You are not powerless. You have all the tools you need to make healthy choices, so use those tools and have a beautiful tomorrow :)
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Yeah, 4000 calories seems like a pretty solid binge. Well, time to move on from it and start fresh tomorrow.
  • Ahh thanks guys, nice responses to read :)
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Yeah, 4000 calories seems like a pretty solid binge. Well, time to move on from it and start fresh tomorrow.
    What he said. And congrats on not giving up. :happy:
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    what did you eat for your 4000 calories?
  • doglover1984
    doglover1984 Posts: 54 Member
    Don't beat yourself up tomorrow is a new day, I found that finding something else you like to do instead of binging ( I read ) when you know it's a trigger time of day ( mine was the kids nap time ) it does really help. Don't worry at least you admit to yourself that your doing it and that is always a good step just think of how you feel after the binge before you do it.
  • I didn't eat 4000 all in one go, I think it was a 2000-3000 cal binge which was a big dinner - chips, mini sausage rolls and lots of chocolate for dessert